I Paused I Thought I Pass

So we go 12-5 or better (BTW doubtful) but what does that matter if we get bounced again in the 1st playoff game?
Nothing really matters with Jerry owning the team other than what Jerry wants and the little crumbs that he throws us fans now and again.

Making it to the playoffs is really all we can expect with Jerry owning the team he will never go all in like other franchises sometimes we're a little more active in free agency than others like signing Cooks and Gilmore and other times we do absolutely nothing but we never shoot the works and go all out to try and win a Super bowl it's just not going to happen in our lifetime.

So the practical fan lowers his expectations and just hopes for some good football to watch that's where I'm at with it
If that were true, and Jerry didn't just fire him...a travesty to the players, the fans... the sport. Like...relinquish control type stuff.
You would like to think that somehow Jerry would be above that but it sure is a little more than coincidence that he went out of his way to hurt McCarthy not letting him talk to the bears giving him nothing to work with.

Being a billionaire I believe creates a mindset that none of us can quite fathom and ability to affect people's lives impose your will and use your power however you want.

For us fans we just have to sit back and watch it play out but it sure didn't look to me or anybody else like Jerry was going all in and trying to help McCarthy in any way shape or form last year be interesting to see if there is some startling turn around in how we can conduct this year's off season
You would like to think that somehow Jerry would be above that but it sure is a little more than coincidence that he went out of his way to hurt McCarthy not letting him talk to the bears giving him nothing to work with.

Being a billionaire I believe creates a mindset that none of us can quite fathom and ability to affect people's lives impose your will and use your power however you want.

For us fans we just have to sit back and watch it play out but it sure didn't look to me or anybody else like Jerry was going all in and trying to help McCarthy in any way shape or form last year be interesting to see if there is some startling turn around in how we can conduct this year's off season
I mean...yeah...we're pretty sure Jerry didn't go above and beyond.

But you suggested intentional sabotage. If it were a ...grocery store...fine. But NFL is a shared entity. What Jerry did might have effected much of the league. Also the safety and well being (health and financial, for example) of the players.

Incompetence versus intentional. How to prove it. If one could, I'd say a lawsuit is in order. Against JERRY? :laugh:
All these coaching hires are slight of hand. Pay attention to what Jerry does in the off-season when it comes to signing players. That's all that matters. Dallas needs RBs and defensive line badly, and not just some scrubs whose careers are past them either. They need real football players with gas left in the tank.

If Jerry was serious about winning he would go get the best coaches and players. He hasn't tried to do that in years. He goes for the most affordable and pliable coaches.

And btw, who would want to coach for the Cowboys after what Jerry did to McCarthy last year? A coach in Dallas is putting his reputation and legacy on the line. Then Jerry lets his team burn to the ground in free agency. How does that feel as a HC?
You do know half the team was injured all season long last year right?
or does that not fit into your agenda?
I think he over achieved given what he had to work with.
They actually rallied around Rush, under the given circumstances. He instilled that attitude. Not an easy task.
.. oh boy, here we go again.

How many lives do dead horses have?
30 years later and people are still whining over this. When it was Jimmy as much as Jerry.

Are these the same fans what say 28 year 28 years. Over and over. And then tell fans don’t live in the past off of those 90’s SB’s.
I agree but as the CEO does the burden of doing whats best for the business not fall on him? He didnt try and solve the problem he made it worse much worse then went ahead and ade sure it was unfixable because that made his ego feel better...
It is well documented that when he was fired he went home to port author and told his mom and dad "he took my team".

It is also well documented in the LA times interview after Jerry bought the Cowboys, Jerry said "you get 2 for 1 with Jimmy, GM and Head Coach".

It is well document that a man with Jimmy's ego would not pass on an opportunity to name a boat "three rings in a row" unless he was fired or forced out.

Keep drinking that Kool Aid its got Arlington Jonesboys fans nothing in 30 years.
How is it well documented that Jimmy named a boat something which he never named it ("Three Rings in A Row" as you quoted it)?

Its actually two boats and they are named "Three Rings".


"Next, he leads me down the dock to his two black, diesel-powered SeaVees, a 39- and a 43-footer, hanging like onyx jewelry from lifts behind his oceanfront home. Each is named Three Rings, for his two Super Bowl wins with the Dallas Cowboys and national championship with the University of Miami in the Orange Bowl."

Jimmy’s boat ‘Three Rings’ was a reference to one title at University of Miami and two titles with the Dallas Cowboys. Just sayin’.
I agree but as the CEO does the burden of doing whats best for the business not fall on him? He didnt try and solve the problem he made it worse much worse then went ahead and ade sure it was unfixable because that made his ego feel better...
usually it's the arrogant children that ruin a business. In this instance, the owner has killed the team before the children have even taken over.
No it hasn't. He wouldn't have been courting free agents before the incident if you were telling the truth.

Plus, you don't pay a guy millions in severance for quitting.
i said the same thing, was Jimmy part of why the split happened sure, did Jerry MAKE IT happen yes and that is the CEO cutting of the businesses nose to spite its face.
There is no way I am going to support a OC promoted to HC that never had a top 15 offence, OC of a playoff lost at home, and then went 7-10 the next year. The DC had the same bad defense as his predecessor expect he was the HC of that team, and the Colts defense was not that great. The Colts just beat the Jonesboys like every other team.

You have the same football program that has not worked in 30 years. Head Coach of Offence, a Head Coach of Defense with Jerry Dumbo GM Jones defacto Head Coach of the team. You cannot lead a football team to the Super Bowl from the owners box. Leadership starts at HC, then QB, and then the rest of the team positions. As long as this is the football program of the Arlington Jonesboys, you will never see the Dallas Cowboys in the Super Bowl.

I will always be a Dallas Cowboys fan because I saw them, know them, and they gave me joy from 1966-1995 (actually 1994 when the Dumbo Owner fired a back to back Super Bowl winning HC to become the Dumbo GM). But, the Arlington Jonesboys are fake and not worth anything but disrespect.
Lol, sorry but by reading your subject i thought you were refering to Bum Prescott.
How are ANY of us still Cowboys fans, given how little respect we have for ownership? Because of success 30 years ago? o_O We're aimlessly just rooting for the stars on the helmets. I think we all need to have our heads checked, to care so much about a franchise that gives so little back to us as fans.

JJ and his family are beyond wealthy, simply because we collectively (and deeply) care about this franchise. So JJ's actions make sense, because win or lose, the Jones family wins. Can we say the same?


How is it well documented that Jimmy named a boat something which he never named it ("Three Rings in A Row" as you quoted it)?

Its actually two boats and they are named "Three Rings".


"Next, he leads me down the dock to his two black, diesel-powered SeaVees, a 39- and a 43-footer, hanging like onyx jewelry from lifts behind his oceanfront home. Each is named Three Rings, for his two Super Bowl wins with the Dallas Cowboys and national championship with the University of Miami in the Orange Bowl."

Why are you talking about boats? Jimmy was fired and given his salary/almost the remaining years of his contract like he was fired. Quote "we both mutually decided" and see Jimmy get paid to leave. If you were a Dallas Cowboys fan, you should know this but you drink that Jerry Jones Kool aid.

You do not go to owner meetings, talk trades, sign scouts, inquire about coaches, and free agents if you were not going to coach the 1994 season Jerry got drunk, interrupted Jimmy and his guys, was shrugged off, and got drunk talking with a reporter saying 100 coaches could coach the team that Johnson, Ackles, and Wooten built. Jerry started messing with Jimmy when he fired Ackles and ran off Wooten 1991 and 1992. Then Jimmy stayed the entire 1993 season, came back for 1994 after bringing in Ciskowski to checkmate Lacewell. Why are you talking about boats names ignoring the truth? JIMMY JOHNSON DID NOT LEAVE THE COWBOYS OR HAD A PLAN TO LEAVE IN 1994.

You see Jerry Dumbo GM Jones coming and yell Hey Kooli Aid!!!!!!!!!!

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