I promise to get revenge on Amber Heard for causing this playoff loss

Reverend Conehead

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I'm the one who has caused the Vikings' Super Bowl futility for decades, thanks to the curse I put on them as a kid in 1973, and I caused the Eagles' total collapse this season. Unfortunately, I'm not the only one who knows how to use voodoo. Amber Heard is also quite good at it, and she hates my guts and knows that I was all excited about this playoff game against Green Bay. Obviously, Amber knows what she's doing with voodoo dolls and pins, but I promise I'll get her back, and I'll get her back good. How could she do this to us, that evil *****?


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Save your amber hatred for other ventures.

We have come to the conclusion that @GORICO is to blame and people are looking for him to either break his keyboard and possibly his fingers.
“We’ve come to talk to you about your platinum guarantees…”



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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Save your amber hatred for other ventures.

We have come to the conclusion that @GORICO is to blame and people are looking for him to either break his keyboard and possibly his fingers.
yes i put put PLATS for purely rah rah fanhood..amidst much negativity at times...but and it has nothing to do with the people...even those who might wish my fingers were broken....i get it....cowboys put out a most putrid product...had nothing to do with any rah rah i put up....you got serious leadership issues...but
it's because of this i wont put up another PLAT and has nothing to do with people here....i like the people here even if they want me skinned alive....i know
it feels better to find someone to blame....but even if you had all my fingers broke wont help the disastrous leadership when the lights are brightest on this


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Enjoy the loss. It’s what you were hoping for.
Rockport i was playing aournd with all the witness protection stuff...my PLATS are known to be only for rah rah fanhood and nothing more i even put up
disclaimer because Reallity reminded me not to push any type of gambling so i made that known.....my rah rah PLATS had zero reason for the putrid
leadership of this team...you play man all season and then decide to go zone and got shredded...all on Quinn...not putting his players in right position
listen to those who watch film and were ahgast at the scheme we put out...we deserve to get shredded doing what we did....i wont put another PLAT up
not because of anyone here...i like the people here...even the trolls or those who need someone to blame if the team loses...i get that...dont bother me
but watching how poorly we were coached when lights the brightest i will never put any rah rah PLATS up again ever


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Rockport i was playing aournd with all the witness protection stuff...my PLATS are known to be only for rah rah fanhood and nothing more i even put up
disclaimer because Reallity reminded me not to push any type of gambling so i made that known.....my rah rah PLATS had zero reason for the putrid
leadership of this team...you play man all season and then decide to go zone and got shredded...all on Quinn...not putting his players in right position
listen to those who watch film and were ahgast at the scheme we put out...we deserve to get shredded doing what we did....i wont put another PLAT up
not because of anyone here...i like the people here...even the trolls or those who need someone to blame if the team loses...i get that...dont bother me
but watching how poorly we were coached when lights the brightest i will never put any rah rah PLATS up again ever
It was a tough loss for all of us. There were 3 of those this year where they just didn’t show up. No fire. They get punched in the mouth and have no answer. Tough pill to swallow for us fans.


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yes i put put PLATS for purely rah rah fanhood..amidst much negativity at times...but and it has nothing to do with the people...even those who might wish my fingers were broken....i get it....cowboys put out a most putrid product...had nothing to do with any rah rah i put up....you got serious leadership issues...but
it's because of this i wont put up another PLAT and has nothing to do with people here....i like the people here even if they want me skinned alive....i know
it feels better to find someone to blame....but even if you had all my fingers broke wont help the disastrous leadership when the lights are brightest on this
Dude, my bashing of your plats is all in good fun. of course you're not the cause. Not your fault Jerry loves him some losing culture.