I swear, if Hollywood tries to pass off one more stick as sexy I'm going to throw up

To each his own!
Definite NOT for me.
I like curves, but that is overkill...for my taste anyway
Lucky the world has variety!
I did find her much hotter when she was thinner, but hey, she's still one of the most beautiful women in the world.
Hot diggidy

Now that's a woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good news is.... I work with a lot of females who are in fitness. Most have a fake chest and thin hips. Every time I see a female with some thick thighs and behind I can't help but comment and stare. Fit girls ALWAYS say....man I bet she'd LOVE to hear how you admire her because she thinks she's too big .

Guys and Girls it's that easy......you could hook up with just a little finesse and compliments.....you must realize there's more girls in their 20s than there are men!

That's why you / I see a lot of coeds with.guys in their 40s-50s.....these girls just want to have fun with ZERO commitment.
Good news is.... I work with a lot of females who are in fitness. Most have a fake chest and thin hips. Every time I see a female with some thick thighs and behind I can't help but comment and stare. Fit girls ALWAYS say....man I bet she'd LOVE to hear how you admire her because she thinks she's too big .

Guys and Girls it's that easy......you could hook up with just a little finesse and compliments.....you must realize there's more girls in their 20s than there are men!

That's why you / I see a lot of coeds with.guys in their 40s-50s.....these girls just want to have fun with ZERO commitment.
I need names and numbers!!
I need names and numbers!!
When I was an adjunct.college professor....every semester I'd get a coed blatantly ask "are you happy at home?" or "can I buy you a beer after class?".....and I'm not all that. TRUST
When I was an adjunct.college professor....every semester I'd get a coed blatantly ask "are you happy at home?" or "can I buy you a beer after class?".....and I'm not all that. TRUST
You held part of their future in your hands. "I'll do anything for a passing grade, professor!" lol
You held part of their future in your hands. "I'll do anything for a passing grade, professor!" lol
A few coeds I got to "know" were interested in my.actual career. They wanted to have....relations with a man from that field.
Give me a good ol country girl with some meat on her bones.
When I was single I'd meet girls for drinks around 2100 hrs..... because I was done with paying for dinners or "I'll just have a salad"

The outcome ways always good......
A few years ago I agreed to have a city woman come out to my place. Scrawny little thing shows up wearing expensive looking high heels to take a walk in the woods. I had some fun at her expense. I told her to watch out for rattlers in trees. I told her they like to drop down and bite people who weren't paying attention. She was miserable but I had fun.
Courteney Cox yes, but to me, Jennifer Aniston just kept getting better.....and she still does.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!! Back off my girl bro!!! ;)

Aniston is my favorite. Wife already gave me "the hall pass" on that one. You hear that universe? YOU HEAR THAT?? :laugh:

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