If you actually pay attention to the article, Dan Reeves backed away from his original statements on TO, saying his original comments were made without any inside information. He further went on to say the issue wasn't even discussed. He even implicitly mentioned Duane Thomas as a cancer that could be controlled, provided they had strong leadership. Why mention that if he was absolutely against TO?The comments against Garrett are actually mroe damning, in that it shows he was actually here to baby-sit him. Of course Dan Reeves is going to say he has respect for Garrett, considering he is there to baby-sit him and make sure he does his job. What is he going to say? "Garrett sucks and I'm here to make sure he doesn't f things up like he did last year."
Werder and Chris want to spin this, because they realize that all their groaning and complaining about TO as the sole cancer has been shot with Dan Reeves coming in to baby-sit Garrett... EVen Michael SMith says that was the case...