I think we have the horses on offense to win


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TheHerd----i am the total village idiot.....sharing and advertising my super Homerism and guranteeing victory with Platinum guarantees that were not Plats but shiny aluminum.....we all got ripped off last night
When you lose GORICO, you've lost them all.


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Dear fellow zoners----i did not call anyone freaks this time....i think we have the horses on offense

to not just be competitive but beat Bucs.....we have CeeDee....Noah Brown....Shultz and Pollard

as receivers....and Zeke and Pollard as RB's and Dak as QB and Moore will scheme to help

left side.....and not even talking about Defense....our interior D-men have been licking their chops

for Bucs interior O-line....yes i know vice a versa....but we are better....Brady does not run away

from anyone and how you rattle him is coming straight up the middle so beastly inteiror D-men

and a lot of Parsons in A-gap....just watched Bills dismantle LA rams....i guess switching Von Miller

from LA to Buffalo was the trick...what you all think?.....is GORICO A BIG HOMER???
When you have a career #5 receiver and a slow UDFA rookie functioning as your 2nd and 3rd receiver, you don’t have horses. You have the muck that needs shoveling out the stables!


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i think they have 40 lashes prepared for me today???
There's nothing wrong with being optimistic going into the season....especially when you personally have zero to do with the make up of the team.

We're all just fans.