I Want to See the Defense Take a Step Forward


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After four weeks, it's clear that this team is leaning on its defense more than ever. The guys are playing well and believe in each other, and we are now one of two teams in the league that haven't allowed 20 points. The other plays tomorrow night against the Super Bowl Champions.

But how cool would it be if these guys could take a step forward and play shut out football?

I didn't fact check this, but I believe since the 2009 season (when we shut out WAS and PHI), our only shutout came a few years ago in that 6-0 dud against a Philly team led by Nate Sudfeld.

After enduring the years of Rob Ryan and Rod Marinelli, I never could've imagined having a defense capable of producing a goose egg. Now I want it more than ever! Send a message to the league that these aren't the same choir boys we're used to seeing.
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