I was at the game, an observation

Richmond Cowboy

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First off, I truly enjoyed my seats in the Loge. The atmosphere was great and the creature comforts were good enough to keep my wife happy. From what I could tell the crowd was probably about 20% cowboys fans, surprisingly not much hassle from skins fans on the way out.

One play in particular sticks out and I'm not sure if it was evident on TV but I believe it was in the 2nd quarter and RoyW was lined up in the slot right on second down and was completely uncovered. He even gestured to Romo by pointing straight ahead and the play ended up being a long run by Barber left that got called back due to a holding penalty. Was that picked up on TV? I wondered why Romo didn't audible to a pass because RW would have had a certain TD on the play. Ultimately the possession ended in a punt because of the penalty.


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I remember the play distinctly....remined of a game last year against Philly where TO lined up in the slot...signaled to Romo and we scored. Don't know why Tony ignored RW on that play.


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ya, the tv screens showed him motioning to romo.

i thought it was some sort of a bluff though from roy williams 11.


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I felt it was a bluff, too. If not, I can see why Romo "shook him off", so to speak. A few weeks isn't really enough time to be that comfortable with each other.


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Richmond Cowboy;2425693 said:
...the play ended up being a long run by Barber left that got called back due to a holding penalty.

That was NOT holding. The replay doesn't lie! The ref blew that call. The defender got blocked down and out of the play, away from the play. The OLineman turned as blocked the defender down cleanly. It was a great block and a few line spots away from the play. Horrible call.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
He may have been uncovered at the time. But maybe romo seen something to where a LB or DB could have came up to cover him at the last second. So he didn't want to take that chance of a miscommunication and have it incomplete or intercepted. And he may thought the run was better at the time.

or he just screwed up....:eek:


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That holding call was awful, just awful. I thought it was a bluff from RW too.


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Richmond Cowboy;2425693 said:
First off, I truly enjoyed my seats in the Loge. The atmosphere was great and the creature comforts were good enough to keep my wife happy. From what I could tell the crowd was probably about 20% cowboys fans, surprisingly not much hassle from skins fans on the way out.

One play in particular sticks out and I'm not sure if it was evident on TV but I believe it was in the 2nd quarter and RoyW was lined up in the slot right on second down and was completely uncovered. He even gestured to Romo by pointing straight ahead and the play ended up being a long run by Barber left that got called back due to a holding penalty. Was that picked up on TV? I wondered why Romo didn't audible to a pass because RW would have had a certain TD on the play. Ultimately the possession ended in a punt because of the penalty.

hey buddy, I was in loge seats as well...what section were you in? I was in section 352 - definitely amazing seats!! As far as that play - I too remember that play vividly..Once the ball was snapped Roy immediately turned and shook his hands asking for the ball but as mentioned it was a running play..it would have been a sure fire first down but there is no way roy williams would have scored..

Richmond Cowboy

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glorydaysrback;2425876 said:
hey buddy, I was in loge seats as well...what section were you in? I was in section 352 - definitely amazing seats!! As far as that play - I too remember that play vividly..Once the ball was snapped Roy immediately turned and shook his hands asking for the ball but as mentioned it was a running play..it would have been a sure fire first down but there is no way roy williams would have scored..

I was in 318, awesome experience! You're probably right that he wouldn't have scored but I turned to my wife right before the snap and said watch this...expecting a big play.


Rising Star
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The hold on that play was just ridicilous. Seems odd how certain teams can do that stuff every single down and never get called for anytihing.


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Noticed the same thing as it was happening and I figured he was uncovered...Maybe a decoy ploy or maybe Romo just shook him off :confused:


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Richmond Cowboy;2425693 said:
First off, I truly enjoyed my seats in the Loge. The atmosphere was great and the creature comforts were good enough to keep my wife happy. From what I could tell the crowd was probably about 20% cowboys fans, surprisingly not much hassle from skins fans on the way out.

One play in particular sticks out and I'm not sure if it was evident on TV but I believe it was in the 2nd quarter and RoyW was lined up in the slot right on second down and was completely uncovered. He even gestured to Romo by pointing straight ahead and the play ended up being a long run by Barber left that got called back due to a holding penalty. Was that picked up on TV? I wondered why Romo didn't audible to a pass because RW would have had a certain TD on the play. Ultimately the possession ended in a punt because of the penalty.

Loge seats are incredible. I will never forget the time I got to watch the Boys beat the Skins with Quincy as QB.

They will spoil you. I just did not have $400 to spend to get a couple.


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Anyone know what time the game clock showed for this play? I'd like to look at the recording and see for myself.


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Doomsday;2426148 said:
The hold on that play was just ridicilous. Seems odd how certain teams can do that stuff every single down and never get called for anytihing.

Yep, I told my son that thet happens on almost every single running play in the NFL.


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Doomsday;2426148 said:
The hold on that play was just ridicilous. Seems odd how certain teams can do that stuff every single down and never get called for anytihing.

Agreed. Yet the cowboys seem to get called for it more often than not.


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On the one hand, I buy into a lot of conspiracy talk when it comes to officiating...There's just too much that tows the line with keeping point spreads what they are, too often.

At the same time, it wouldn't be as maddening if the refs were at least consistent...Calling one team for one thing but summarily disregarding it on the other side makes it impossible to understand.

What are the odds that Roy Williams would've gotten a horsecollar penalty on that opening kickoff?...Exactly

Boston Cowboy

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dannyboy;2425844 said:
in looking at the play, I dont think Romo ever looked over to RW

I remember this play and I agree, I don't think Romo even looked over to Roy's side. As soon as they got to the line, Roy extended his arm forward in a "hey, I'm freaking uncovered over here" and Romo never looked his way.

Hopefully that isn't a tell on Romo's part as to which direction or what type of play (run/pass) is going to be run.