If Drew Rosenhaus is happy with our offer..


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the deal was 7 years 49 mill with 10 mill in bonuses. it wasn't a bad deal but for a top WR he could have done better

the issue in Philly was that the deal was backloaded with lots of roster bonuses down the road. from TO's perspective he had earned the guaranteed cash with his performance the previous year.

keep in mind though that TO didn't have the luxury of being able to negotiate a true free agent contract since his agent forgot to file paperwork that would make him an FA. he didn't have the negotiating power that having multiple offers gives you.


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jad163 said:
great contract/basically it is a series of 1 year contracts that the Cowboys control year after year

When he signed the contract in Philly that made him the highest paid receiver over a 3 year period of time. The contract was structured so they could get out after each year.

Guess what, that didn't stop him from spreading his cancer there, and it won't here.

Nobody wanted him other than us. To believe otherwise you're kidding yourself.


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Blue&Silver said:
When he signed the contract in Philly that made him the highest paid receiver over a 3 year period of time. The contract was structured so they could get out after each year.

Guess what, that didn't stop him from spreading his cancer there, and it won't here.

big difference though. this time he was a free agent and got to shop himself around. last time he negotiated exclusively with the Eagles because he wasn't an FA.


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abersonc said:
big difference though. this time he was a free agent and got to shop himself around. last time he negotiated exclusively with the Eagles because he wasn't an FA.

He said he wanted to go to Philly well before FA. He was traded to Baltimore where he cried his way out of there. At least then he had 2 interested teams. This time it was just us.