If Jerry extends Dak, it shows he doesn't base his business model on the success of the team

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All I mean by that is that Jerry's plans were/are not changed based on the results of the 2023 season.
He never seriously thought about replacing McCarthy (he shouldn't)and all the talk about McCarthy being replaced was just a P.R. stunt to make it appear that Jerry was being proactive.
So Jerry's plans are in place, and winning/losing isn't going to change them. His approach to business isn't going to change based on the Cowboys winning or losing. He has business goals set and a plan to market the Cowboys' to media, advertising, and fans based on salesmanship.
He's taken winning or losing out of his equation for success and profits.
In essence, whether they win or lose doesn't matter; so long as they play the game.
He's probably already got deals in place to profit from the name, image and likeness of the team, and losing gives him more time to get them done.
Because if winning mattered, heads would roll.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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All I mean by that is that Jerry's plans were/are not changed based on the results of the 2023 season.
He never seriously thought about replacing McCarthy (he shouldn't)and all the talk about McCarthy being replaced was just a P.R. stunt to make it appear that Jerry was being proactive.
So Jerry's plans are in place, and winning/losing isn't going to change them. His approach to business isn't going to change based on the Cowboys winning or losing. He has business goals set and a plan to market the Cowboys' to media, advertising, and fans based on salesmanship.
He's taken winning or losing out of his equation for success and profits.
In essence, whether they win or lose doesn't matter; so long as they play the game.
He's probably already got deals in place to profit from the name, image and likeness of the team, and losing gives him more time to get them done.
Because if winning mattered, heads would roll.
Jerry does want to win enough to stay relevant.
I believe he has said something to that effect.
He is not willing to make radical changes to win big in the playoffs.
His actions bear this out.


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Dak should wait for a new contract until it expires or he delivers us a Super Bowl trophy. Stop rewarding this guy for failing to meet our SB goals.


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All I mean by that is that Jerry's plans were/are not changed based on the results of the 2023 season.
He never seriously thought about replacing McCarthy (he shouldn't)and all the talk about McCarthy being replaced was just a P.R. stunt to make it appear that Jerry was being proactive.
So Jerry's plans are in place, and winning/losing isn't going to change them. His approach to business isn't going to change based on the Cowboys winning or losing. He has business goals set and a plan to market the Cowboys' to media, advertising, and fans based on salesmanship.
He's taken winning or losing out of his equation for success and profits.
In essence, whether they win or lose doesn't matter; so long as they play the game.
He's probably already got deals in place to profit from the name, image and likeness of the team, and losing gives him more time to get them done.
Because if winning mattered, heads would roll.
Wait. You just found this out? My Gawd where have you been? Under a rock?. Everyone and I mean everyone knows that. You are the last one to find out....!!!!!

Funny. Just way too funny

Dallas is #1 valued franchise in any sport anywhere. 30 years of failing. Jerry has done it this way for 30 plus years.

Get with it dude. Get sober


Wow. Just wow. You are so late to the party dude


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Maybe he'll somehow waive his no trade clause, especially with his brother coming out with his recent statements.


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Glad to see there is reason for hope on this forum. More fans are getting Jethro’s agenda.

Success is measured differently this era unfortunately.


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I agree entirely… extending Dak will mean business as usual… happy to finish 13-4 or 5-12 in 2024… doesn't matter as long as seats full and merch sells. If he doesn’t extend it means he actually wants to win a SB in next 3 years. I have been following this franchise faithfully since inception in 1962… if he extends Dak I will become a fulltime fan of the Texans. Great young coach and QB, GM that is not owner and only concerned with bottom line $!


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No, there's no reason to extend him. The Cowboys can bite the bullet for one year, cut him afer June 1, and be better off.
But Jerry must be marketing Dak in other areas.
Too much of a monster hit on the cap for 2 years. No one could absorb that hit and have any talent left on the field. Jerry screwed up when he gave him the current contract which included a no trade clause. Jerry at his age can't take a 5 win team for the next 2 years. The value of his investment will nose dive. It is what it is. Don't blame Dak, he had a chance to get monster money and took it. Micah will do the same when his turn comes.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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If Jerry extends Dak, it shows he doesn't base his business model on the success of the team​

...and you only came to this conclusion after contemplating what Jones will most likely do with Prescott's extension? Nothing Jones has done for decades brought forth the same epiphany well-before now?

Jones' football business model is based on his own genius as a general manager. Keyword is genius, which he is not.


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Jerry's business model is not wins and losses, it's dollars and cents. The bottom line is the almighty dollar. He is raking in millions and millions every year so his model is working. How can you argue with him that it isn't.? Because if that is your model, you are right. The fan's model is wins, losses, championships....don't line up with his. As they have said here so much before, he just wants to stay relevant so he can sell his product, regardless if it ain't one of the best.


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The misconception that JJ doesn't care about winning is the most absurd idea that can be expressed on this board. What is the number 1 way to increase value of a sports franchise? Winning it all. Anyone who thinks JJ doesn't recognize that simple fact better not get into any business agreements with him.


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We have pushed ourselves against the wall where we have no choice, but to extend him.
That is BS....you don't have to do anything!!! And its not up to us to figure a way out of the Dak mess.....but there are ways to minimize the damage....teams do it all the time....Philly got out from under Wentz and went to a Super Bowl....got bad...and went again....so did SF. Booger just doesn't want to take any risk....nor does he want to roll up his sleeves and go to work. Dak, CeeDee, and Parsons all need to be traded.


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The misconception that JJ doesn't care about winning is the most absurd idea that can be expressed on this board. What is the number 1 way to increase value of a sports franchise? Winning it all. Anyone who thinks JJ doesn't recognize that simple fact better not get into any business agreements with him.
Sorry, not true. In 1996 the Cowboys were valued at $272M....in 2023, valued at $9.2B....how many SBs have they won during that span....better yet, how many NFCCG have they been to? Try again, .. Jerry just wants to stay relevant enough to sell his snake oil and people believe him that it works. Super Bowls don't matter to his bottom line.
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