If Jerry extends Dak, it shows he doesn't base his business model on the success of the team

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Sorry, not true. In 1996 the Cowboys were valued at $272M....in 2023, valued at $9.2B....how many SBs have they won during that span....better yet, how many NFCCG have they been to? Try again, .. Jerry just wants to stay relevant enough to sell his snake oil and people believe him that it works. Super Bowls don't matter to his bottom line.
What would it be valued at if they had won a couple of recent Super Bowls? I Don't buy into the prevailing theory at all...


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All I mean by that is that Jerry's plans were/are not changed based on the results of the 2023 season.
He never seriously thought about replacing McCarthy (he shouldn't)and all the talk about McCarthy being replaced was just a P.R. stunt to make it appear that Jerry was being proactive.
So Jerry's plans are in place, and winning/losing isn't going to change them. His approach to business isn't going to change based on the Cowboys winning or losing. He has business goals set and a plan to market the Cowboys' to media, advertising, and fans based on salesmanship.
He's taken winning or losing out of his equation for success and profits.
In essence, whether they win or lose doesn't matter; so long as they play the game.
He's probably already got deals in place to profit from the name, image and likeness of the team, and losing gives him more time to get them done.
Because if winning mattered, heads would roll.
What you and many are missing is what is successful in Jerry’s view. 11-12 wins over crap teams and lots of garbage time stats that keep the stands full and the merchandise selling is all Jerry needs and Dak choking again and again doesn’t concern him because the business model was a success the money poured in who care about anything else.


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What would it be valued at if they had won a couple of recent Super Bowls? I Don't buy into the prevailing theory at all...
You don't have to buy into anything...those are facts....they are already the #1 valued team in the world....doubt they can be worth much more with another SB or two. Look at NE, they've won a lot more recently and still not worth more than the Cowboys. Jerry is sitting pretty in his luxury box, he been winning all this time.


Wide Right
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Jerry has a short memory, all he's seeing is a QB that played at an MVP level most of the year. He's not seeing a QB that struggled against an average defense in the playoffs.


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Jerry just has to get you guys engaged and make it look like he's all in. Get ready next year, it's our year.

$$$$$$$$-----------> bank


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All I mean by that is that Jerry's plans were/are not changed based on the results of the 2023 season.
He never seriously thought about replacing McCarthy (he shouldn't)and all the talk about McCarthy being replaced was just a P.R. stunt to make it appear that Jerry was being proactive.
So Jerry's plans are in place, and winning/losing isn't going to change them. His approach to business isn't going to change based on the Cowboys winning or losing. He has business goals set and a plan to market the Cowboys' to media, advertising, and fans based on salesmanship.
He's taken winning or losing out of his equation for success and profits.
In essence, whether they win or lose doesn't matter; so long as they play the game.
He's probably already got deals in place to profit from the name, image and likeness of the team, and losing gives him more time to get them done.
Because if winning mattered, heads would roll.
Don't misjudge Jerry winning is important but just enough to stay relevant he is not going to go all in to win a championship and then end up becoming irrelevant for a few years because of over committing himself.

Jerry has found that it's most profitable to never push all your chips to middle of the table and go all in and risk being irrelevant for a few years it's more profitable to stay relevant every year by just making the playoffs


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Serious question, what does it matter? If you haven't figured out by now, that this is the best it will get, I don't know what to tell you.
In another 10 years, you guys can say that miserable guy was right.
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