If the Cowboys were to Move...

Q_the_man said:
to another city like LA, Chi Town, anywhere but Texas who would still be a fan of this team.

if u say no would u get a new favorite team...

Me, I would probably cry, then wait years til the Cowboys are back in Dallas via expansion


I would go buy a David Carr or Andre Johnson jersey and root for the Houston Texans until Dallas got another team. I just cant root for teams in cities/states I have no ties too, BTJMT.

- Mike G.
For one thing, if they moved to LA, they could not be the Cowboys! The West Hollywood Cowboys already exist, but they don't play football! They do, however, like to dress up in chaps and leather, and little else!

They would have to replace the STAR with something like high heels or a handbag or something. The theme song would be YMCA by the Village People.

They could move to South Central, but heck, the Raiders couldn't even make it there! The Rams left LA for the same reason. The Coliseum is in a war zone. The cops are outgunned and no one would go to the games because it wasn't safe.

But to answer the question, no, I would not. They would not be the Cowboys if they moved out of Texas. I would have to look elsewhere.
Jimz31 said:
I wonder if the league would even allow it.

I wonder if Texas would allow it!

I can read the headlines, "Cowboys move to LA, Texas seceedes from the union, ten other states to follow. President calls forth the State Militias to put down the insurrection!"

We went thru this threat to our national solidarity once. Please don't force another Constitutional crisis by even discussing this!
It's not "the (insert city here) Cowboys", America's team. It's "the Dallas Cowboys", America's team. Don't mess with an icon.
It depends.

As long as they still had the Star on their helmet and where the Cowboys I could make the adjustment.

It would really suck for a while, but I could pull through.

If they changed the emblem or name, I could not do it.

The whole thing is just horrible to think about.

Good thing it will never become a reality.
I've been spoiled I guess, I just can't imagine Dallas picking up and moving... That would be totally chaoitic not because I'm a diehard Cowboy fan, but because I've lived in Texas my whole life...
I really can't imagine Dallas moving off ever and me still rooting for the team... Like I say, here in central Texas we must be totally spoiled, because our local cable affiliate, Cox, shows EVERY pre-season game, and even organized scrimmages, with an hour of pre-game with Mickey, Brad Sham, and tons of others... Really ever since the early nineties with the triplets, they just show everything Cowboys during the course of the season TC, pre, regular, and post season. I can't fathom even the slightest hint of Dallas Cowboys not being in Texas, it just wouldn't sound right EVER! Cowboys are from Texas period end of story...
That makes the fans far and away so important in my book, all those people who grew up in other locales who root for Dallas amongst the enemies of our divisions and conferences I wish had everything we see here in central TX. That has to be special to you and I know it is very admirable for me.
Would the Packers ever move to LA... or ever move period? I don't think so.
Now even if I moved to Iceland, I'd still be a diehard fan... They just better have DirecTV if that ever happened.
the day the Cowboys leave Texas,is the day hell freezes over.(also the day I leave Texas as well)

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