If TO came to the Cowboys and caught the winning TD in the SuperBowl...

since you put it that way the answer is simple- HELL NO.
Teague31 said:
since you put it that way the answer is simple- HELL NO.

What he said.

I should "Like" him cuz he caught a TD pass? I don't think so.
Rack said:
What he said.

I should "Like" him cuz he caught a TD pass? I don't think so.

I would like the idea we scored...that it helped the team.

But as far as T.O. goes...I would still loath him. :laugh2:
I think the league did the only thing it could do,and
it had to be this decision.If the integrity of the game,any
game,is compromised,then the these prima donna types,and
thugs,ruin the the actual game itself. The NFL wins in this.

Sorry he's a cancer. Jmho
Yes. He's a phenomenal player. He just lacks sensitivity (of other people's feelings) and really isn't that smart. Whether the former can be taught or not is debatable.

I'm actually kind of tired of all the TO bashing.

Now, does that mean I want him on the team. No. It will take me a lot of convincing that he has actually changed.
Asklesko said:
Would you like him then?

I like him now; for all the toxicity that he brings to the locker room, all he does is score touchdowns on the field.

A smart team would sign him, ignore him off the field, and praise the ground he walks on the field.

Throughout this entire Eagles / TO situation, Eagles management has only contributed to TO's fire off the field.
I'd love that we'd won the sb but I'd still hate TO just like I don't like Deion.
Erik_H said:
I'd rather lose without him than win with him.

dumbest thing i have ever heard

ever heard of winning at any cost? having him wouldn't even be that bad, we just have to go into it understanding that we must be quick to pull the trigger on cutting him if he starts his crap
This board has gone to hell! How many freakin T.O threads are going to be starting? Hey mods how about having a T.O section. Away from this section of the board.
I would rather win with him than lose without him. Of course, he has never helped a team win anything so it is a moot point. He takes more than he brings to a team.
J.Jones21 said:
dumbest thing i have ever heard

ever heard of winning at any cost? having him wouldn't even be that bad, we just have to go into it understanding that we must be quick to pull the trigger on cutting him if he starts his crap

And that would, of course, screw the salary cap... so you've advocating risking a couple-three years of losing again, on the chance he MIGHT straighten up and fly right, when the guy has been trouble for every team that has taken him on...

Put Henson In said:
Hell yea I would love him. Super Bowls are hard to come by.

I see-- so you say that signing TO would guarantee us a Super Bowl...

Strange how it didn't work that way for the Niners or Iggles...
silverbear said:
I see-- so you say that signing TO would guarantee us a Super Bowl...

Strange how it didn't work that way for the Niners or Iggles...

LOL! Good one SB.

BTW, Happy T-Day to ya!
Catching a game winning pass in the SB wouldn't make me like him. Like the QB, linemen and rest of team, he'd be doing what he's paid to do.

What would make me like him is hearing him say what Julius did last week re MBIII...that he'd be happy to share the rock.

Or hearing him say, like Key, that he is ready, willing, and able to block, even if he doesn't rack up Pro Bowl numbers.

I'd like him if like Terry he never whined, strutted, pouted, sulked, or demanded the ball.

Or like Jason he never groused about more blocking assignments.

Or like Dan, LA, and Marco mentored the young players.

Or like Patrick nver sought the limelight but worked hard to get better.

If TO could be unselfish and not blow his own horn and not crave the limelight and not put himself above his team, (like the rest of our players do), I would have no problem liking him, regardless of how many passes he caught.

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