Let's assume that we are taking a mid round QB to develop, who would you want?
Cowboy Brian @BrianLINY Messages 15,864 Reaction score 5,053 Apr 25, 2013 #1 Let's assume that we are taking a mid round QB to develop, who would you want?
Tabascocat Dexternjack Messages 27,779 Reaction score 38,821 Apr 25, 2013 #2 No one, no one, repeat...no one in this draft!
CF74 Vet Min Plus Messages 26,167 Reaction score 14,623 Apr 25, 2013 #3 Yeah unless God forbid Romo has an epic meltdown, I don't see us looking for his replacement for at least 2 years....
Yeah unless God forbid Romo has an epic meltdown, I don't see us looking for his replacement for at least 2 years....