If you could bring back a pair of shoes...

I also had a pare of these that I loved

I used to have a pair of these and I liked 'em:


Ignore the Reebok box. :D
Muhast;4410315 said:
Well I'm one of those shoe collector guys. I take really good care of my shoes lol.

you paid way too much for them.

you'd have to.
Yeagermeister;4410338 said:
I've always been a wear them until the fall apart type of guy. I have 3 pairs of shoes. My "tennis", black dress, and brown dress shoes. All a man needs :D

i've got the skeetchers "make your butt hard" thick pad shoes i love cause they help my heel spurs.

outside that any talk of shoes exposes a fem side no guy should ever show.
Duane;4410501 said:
I have a pair of Van's from 15 years ago that look just like that.
Uh, no you don't. These are real skate shoes, not p.o.s canvas.
iceberg;4517461 said:
i've got the skeetchers "make your butt hard" thick pad shoes i love cause they help my heel spurs.

The Fit Flops brand of flip flops are also good for that. When I had plantar fasciitis really bad in one foot, my podiatrist said that those are one of the only brands of flip flops that are ok for your feet. They are a godsend to me.

Otherwise, I really don't care about shoes. If I could wear flip flops year round I would.
These, for basketball.

Nike Air Flightposite 3


The composite material Nike used basically formed to your foot. It was like wearing nothing while playing ball. Absolutely loved them.
...Nike Field General.

When shoes were made to represent the foot and not some lunar space ship attached to your feet.

The shoe last patterns seem sensible and look proper to the shape of a foot. Classic foot look.
Old thread, but these were my faves for playing tennis. Nike Air trainer E low.

I would bring back my old pair of PF fliers because they made me run faster at least that's what I believed.

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