If You Dont Like Norv... blame Tuna


Here comes the Sun...
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Beast_from_East;1343168 said:
You are right my friend, no need to worry about whose fault the current situation is.

It is what it is.

I do hope JJ knows what he is doing, I feel this team is real close.

Me too! :D


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Dave_in-NC;1343080 said:
Nice agenda. Name the coach we missed out on. Dare ya.

Agenda??? I have no idea what you are even talking about. I said in my post that I was glad to see Parcells go and I made plenty of post on this board to that effect.

Not sure how that is an agenda???

As for coaches we missed out on, we really didnt. Again, read my post and I say that the only coaches available this year are "second helpings". The big names are all next year, like Cowher, Fisher, ect....

Maybe that is why Jerry was throwing more years and money at Tuna to keep him until next year.

Not sure how you get an agenda out of my post???


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Beast_from_East;1343168 said:
You are right my friend, no need to worry about whose fault the current situation is.

It is what it is.

I do hope JJ knows what he is doing, I feel this team is real close.

You know I think that is what I find so frustrating...I really do think we are close. I think we just a few tweaks on defense and offense and a player or two we can make a serious run.

And with the age of our WRs we have a short window.


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BrAinPaiNt;1343177 said:
You know I think that is what I find so frustrating...I really do think we are close. I think we just a few tweaks on defense and offense and a player or two we can make a serious run.

And with the age of our WRs we have a short window.

Do you think we need to go WR in the 1st round, I kinda think so. I know we are not going to get Calvin Johnson, but maybe Tedd Ginn might fall to us, or that WR from Tenn, I forgot his name.

TO and Glenn dont have too many years left and I dont know about the youngsters yet.


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One more year with Tuna would be less damaging than Norv. I think.


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bbgun;1343188 said:
One more year with Tuna would be less damaging than Norv. I think.

I think Garrett is being groomed. If he had a litte more experience, I think Jerry would have pulled the trigger. Jerry probably thinks he needs a year of two of developing.


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Beast_from_East;1342908 said:
I have been reading all the posts on here complaining about Norv being the HC, if indeed all these media reports are true.

Dont blame Norv or Jerry, blame Parcells. I have heard from several media sources that Jones offered Parcells more money and more years (which is crazy for a .500 coach, but that is another story) and Tuna turned him down.

So after leaving the team hanging for 2 weeks, Tuna decides to call it a career and walk. This was good news for Beast, watching the team get outcoached every week was starting to piss Beast off.

So what is Jerry suppossed to do now? Cowher, Fisher, Lovie, ect....are not avaialble and giving up picks for coaches is just dumb. So you are left with "second helpings" basically, like Norv or Wade or Reeves or Gibbs or Sporano or Garrett or whoever....

So Jerry does not have alot of options at this point that is going to make everybody thrilled. Jerry did not want to have to find a new coach right now, see above about offering cash and years to Tuna.


Dumbest post ever.

What great coaches, exactly, did we miss out on while BP was waiting to see if he wanted to remain the coach?

Oh that's right... NONE. ZERO.

If anything we could end up with a BETTER coach (Rivera or Rex Ryan) BECAUSE he waited.


Here comes the Sun...
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Beast_from_East;1343194 said:
I think Garrett is being groomed. If he had a litte more experience, I think Jerry would have pulled the trigger. Jerry probably thinks he needs a year of two of developing.

Good point...but, I say...throw the baby in the pool! See if he can really swim? Why wait another year? He's a big boy...

I would like to see what Garrett is all about for a year at HC...first. If it works out, good.



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Rack;1343197 said:
Dumbest post ever.

What great coaches, exactly, did we miss out on while BP was waiting to see if he wanted to remain the coach?

Oh that's right... NONE. ZERO.

If anything we could end up with a BETTER coach (Rivera or Rex Ryan) BECAUSE he waited.

Dumbest post ever, why you hatin on Beast.

I think you misunderstood the post, please read again and you will notice that the point was by Bill retiring THIS YEAR, we dont have access to the top names.

If Bill would have returned, like Jerry was practically begging him to, we would have a shot next year at Cowher, Fisher, ect...

So the point is not that we missed out on coaches by Tuna waiting 2 weeks, it is that we missed out on the coaches NEXT YEAR that would have been available.

Before calling someone's post the dumbest ever, it helps to actually know what was being talked about.

But its all good, we are all Boyz fans here.


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Beast_from_East;1343176 said:
Agenda??? I have no idea what you are even talking about. I said in my post that I was glad to see Parcells go and I made plenty of post on this board to that effect.

Not sure how that is an agenda???

As for coaches we missed out on, we really didnt. Again, read my post and I say that the only coaches available this year are "second helpings". The big names are all next year, like Cowher, Fisher, ect....

Maybe that is why Jerry was throwing more years and money at Tuna to keep him until next year.

Not sure how you get an agenda out of my post???

Maybe I misunderstood. You are saying you wish Parcells waited one more season before leaving?


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5Stars;1343201 said:
Good point...but, I say...throw the baby in the pool! See if he can really swim? Why wait another year? He's a big boy...

I would like to see what Garrett is all about for a year at HC...first. If it works out, good.


I agree, if Garrett is being groomed, why wait? If it is that he is not experienced enough to call plays or design gameplans, get him some help.

This whole "intrim HC" is kinda wierd.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Beast_from_East;1343207 said:
This whole "intrim HC" is kinda wierd.

It's sort of weird. But wait until the NEXT HC will be named! :) :confused:

Total panic will take over! I can't wait...



Zone Scribe
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Perhaps I'll change my mind if Jerry seriously interviews Ryan and/or Riveria, but nothing about Jerry's search leads me to believe anything other than he would have chosen Norv no matter who else was out there.


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if it was Gibbs and not BP who coached the boys would we be getting all of the "woulda coulda shoulda ESPN the Cowboys are dead" BS!!!

BP worked for ESPN and he will work for them again.... there is a reason why Cowboy fans think BP is the second coming, they watch too much ESPN!

if this was Joe Gibbs (A much better coach) ... Cowboy fans would be laughing him out of town... Thiesman and Wilbon would be the only talking heads rippin boys fans and the average Boys fans would not care about his departure!!!

But the great BP has everyone and their brother defending him at ESPN like the guy was going to coach for years to come anyway... can someone google inevitable!

Not once did ESPN say "Well BP wouldnt be coaching much longer anyway"... the shock value is not there! did any of the talking heads bring up he lost his brother the year before and his passion has been gone since?

Instead we get doomsday reports of Coaching hires and TOs destruction!

since when does a HOF coach need defending?
