If you ever thought about playing WoW.

63echo;3715291 said:
Ugh. I really want to play...if only to use my flying mounts in Azeroth. That's still coming, right? Aside from grinding 3 or 4 characters, I haven't really spent much time in Azeroth (outside of Orgrimmar/Stormwind anyway) since TBC came out and would love to see how it's changed and what Blizz has added to the old world.

Like others have said though, it's such a huge time sink that I actually get nervous when I think about playing again. I'll talk myself into buying the game and being casual, but we both know that ain't gonna work for long. :(

Yes the expansion allows you to fly in Azeroth. With the new dungeon finder tool you can be in a group within a few minutes if you heal or tank and can run an average Wrath dungeon in 15 - 30 minutes. So it's not a huge time sink in that sense.
All the pre-cataclysm stuff is happening now. Cities being attacked, major talent tree overhauls, and I think as of yesterday (I havent logged in yet) the world changes to Azeroth are in. It's definitely a pretty good time to come back and get all the new changes sorted out before the new expansion.

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