If you've got a list of ailments you don't want,


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I am on Metoprolol and one of the reported side effects is dreams. That's what I reported to my Cardiologist and she confirmed hearing that from other patients.

The dreams are weird because they're just like real life, no fantasy stuff or nightmares, most of the time I will be in a conversation with a group of people.

I am on the same drug. Makes me tired but it works for my Afib. I don't have dreams or at least I don't remember them when I wake up. I am on a pretty low dose though.


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Getting old sucks. I was always perfectly healthy when I was younger. Never had any problems at all until I hit 40ish. Then my eyesight started to deteriorate. Reading glasses was the first sign I was over the peak and sliding downhill from there. Then diabetes, heal spurs, shoulder problems, bulging disks in my neck for no reason, kidney dysfunction, bladder cancer, Afib, premature atrial contractions, and Hank Hill *** syndrome. They say the average person over 60 takes 5 prescription medications. That's where I am at.

Life is still good though.


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I am on the same drug. Makes me tired but it works for my Afib. I don't have dreams or at least I don't remember them when I wake up. I am on a pretty low dose though.
Man, speaking of dreams, and we both were, I had the strangest recurring one for about a month every 3 days. Didn't matter the circumstances, I would be driving a car really fast up a hill and just as I got toward the top I'd hammer the accelerator and launch the car and wake up with a calf cramp. I used to have them all the time but started a regimen of Smart Water daily, magnesium and potassium and they stopped. Doc reduced me on the potassium when they upped the BP meds and my body was reactive but I think it's settled down now.

One thing I am careful about, med management. I stay within the same hospital group and clinic so all of my meds, including supplements, are right there for all to see.

I had to intervene for my Dad because he had different docs in different systems and the med management was absurd. He was passing out because of the interaction of meds on his BP. They wanted to do all of these tests until took all of his meds into his primary care doc. The response, "he's taking all of these"? I think there are thousands that die every year because of poor med management and asking people with memory issues what all their taking is ridiculous.

We are all our own caregiver first and we sure as hell care more about our health and living than they do. I hate it when some doc using the words "quality of life". What the hell do they know about someone else's quality of life?


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I've got one you can add to your list....Gout.

My Dad had this one time and all I knew about it was the Henry VIII's bout with Gout and the belief by some that led to his death. There were actually many contributing factors to his demise. And the connection to obesity and Gout has always resulted from his case. It also revolved around a hedonistic lifestyle with rich foods.

My Dad said it was the most pain he's ever been in and I doubted that after a bout with a very mild case about 18 months ago. I thought 'this ain't so bad'. I don't think that any longer.

It is a form of arthritis that happens when uremic crystals form in the joint(s) and I cannot even imagine the plural of that but the most common one is the joint where the big toe joins the foot and I would have loved to have sent it to market. It was twice it's normal size and looked sunburned.

One of the major contributing factors are purines found in some food like shellfish and organ meat but the worst is beer. I am not a big beer guy and I don't think my preference for whiskey should have given me a case like this but my water intake is going to be more closely monitored from here on out.

To make it worse, yesterday was my birthday and I got $50 worth of King crab legs that I had to put in the freezer and hope they make it.

I sat there watching that game and couldn't even get excited about it because any sudden movement and my toe would go "hey, CC, you goofy old fool, lover of the rich food n whiskey, TOE here, HOWDY!!!!!!!!" It was like being electrocuted and I have discovered the connection between the toe and the brain is even faster than the testicles.

To make it worse, I wasn't looking forward to this birthday or any of them and I sat there feeling my age and fight it as I may, I cannot fight the depression of growing old. Me buckos, I was a sad man yesterday and feeling a little too sorry for himself. I know, I shouldn't, there are those much worse off than me but when you're lower than a pregnant snake's belly in a wagon rut, that just doesn't work.

So, watch your intake of the naughty things and make sure you hydrate yourself well.

My Uncle had gout.. most pain he’s ever experienced.

Me. Kidney Stones. Painful. Yikes. Thought death was upon me. Yikes!! I had 1 in each kidney preventing me from urinating ... they had to blast them away. Yikes. They are painful.

I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. The one supervisor at my Cannabis job...lol