I agree 100% I could not for the life of me figure out why we are lining up 10 yards off the receivers almost every down. The skins need 3 yards? We're 10 yards off the ball. It is inexcusable for Santana Freakin Moss to be as wide open as he was so many times. I absolutely hate our soft zone defense. I would be ok if we threw it in as a wrinkle every so often, but every down is ridiculous. It seems the few times we got aggressive and let our guys get up on it we did well. I am sick from losing to the skins. Blah. They outclassed us in every way today. It was disgusting. The fact we were as close at the end as we were says more about our talent than anything else. If we had average talent and turned in a performance like that we would have been pasted. If I were Jerry I would throw as much money at the Eagles and Ravens defensive staff as possible (I know we lit the Eagles up, but Imagine JJ with the talent our defense supposedly has) and fire B Stewart as soon as possible. Hell, maybe Wade too and put Garret in charge now. I would even take Tampas D coordinator. O really feel like this defensive unit should be playing much more aggressive.