I'm going to own an Ibanez Iceman electric guitar

Reverend Conehead

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I've wanted to own an Iceman since I was a teenager, but not the Paul Stanley model. It's nothing against Paul Stanley. I love Paul Stanley and Kiss. I just want an Iceman that's a little different than his. So I ordered off for it. I'll have to wait a couple months. No big problem. It's worth waiting for. Plus, I already have some nice guitars to play. I'm blessed. Here's a pic of the one I ordered. I should have it in about March.



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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I've wanted to own an Iceman since I was a teenager, but not the Paul Stanley model. It's nothing against Paul Stanley. I love Paul Stanley and Kiss. I just want an Iceman that's a little different than his. So I ordered off for it. I'll have to wait a couple months. No big problem. It's worth waiting for. Plus, I already have some nice guitars to play. I'm blessed. Here's a pic of the one I ordered. I should have it in about March.



Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Nice finish on your iceman

Oddly I think if I ever got one it would be the broken mirror Paul Stanley one. I know his signature has different finishes but the broken mirror one is the one that I always thought looked cool.

Also Ace Frehleys Gibson that was the blue/silver burst with the three humbuckers and lightning inlays is killer.

With that said...when you get your guitar in, post some good pictures please.


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I have never been a big fan of Ibanez guitars, but that one is a classic. Let us know how you like it once you get a chance to play it.


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I have an Ibanez AZES40 - great tones. I also have a Schecter Nick Johnston Traditional that I really like.

Reverend Conehead

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I'm bummed ... my Ibanez Iceman will will have to wait. I had a bunch of unexpected expenses, so I canceled my order with Sweetwater. I already have an Ibanez Artist AR325QA that I love, so I'm not hurting for an electric guitar. Canceling this guitar order is a sound financial decision. I would have had to buy it on credit, since the money I had went to a necessity. My credit exists so that I can take care of myself in an emergency, such as my car breaking down in the middle of nowhere. So, yeah, this is a smart financial decision, but that doesn't stop me from feeling bummed out about it.
But I can earn more money. I'll reorder it when the money makes more sense.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Sorry buddy. That sucks.

You get all excited and bam it is gone.

When I was looking around online for potential guitars I wanted. There was a killer deal on reverb but I had to wait a week for the money was available. However it sold a couple days before I got the money. It was a nice older used Ten Top Paul Reed Smith guitar. it killed me lol.

Reverend Conehead

Well-Known Member
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Sorry buddy. That sucks.

You get all excited and bam it is gone.

When I was looking around online for potential guitars I wanted. There was a killer deal on reverb but I had to wait a week for the money was available. However it sold a couple days before I got the money. It was a nice older used Ten Top Paul Reed Smith guitar. it killed me lol.
That's a bummer. Those PRSes are top quality guitars. I hope another one comes your way.


Village Idiot
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I'm bummed ... my Ibanez Iceman will will have to wait. I had a bunch of unexpected expenses, so I canceled my order with Sweetwater. I already have an Ibanez Artist AR325QA that I love, so I'm not hurting for an electric guitar. Canceling this guitar order is a sound financial decision. I would have had to buy it on credit, since the money I had went to a necessity. My credit exists so that I can take care of myself in an emergency, such as my car breaking down in the middle of nowhere. So, yeah, this is a smart financial decision, but that doesn't stop me from feeling bummed out about it.
But I can earn more money. I'll reorder it when the money makes more sense.
Don’t rely on credit for emergencies. You should prioritize building an emergency fund of at least a month’s worth of expenses.

Reverend Conehead

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Don’t rely on credit for emergencies. You should prioritize building an emergency fund of at least a month’s worth of expenses.
True, but first things first. I worked to get out of debt first. I had this car loan that I paid off, and that gave my credit a boost. I could actually qualify for a credit card. It used to be, if I looked up my credit rating, it wasn't even a number. It came up as a picture of some dude laughing his *** off and saying, "This dude wants us to loan him money?" I only got that loan with a co-signer, but paying it off as promised really helped. Then I had a score that was not garbage. Now I'll slowly keep building a surplus. The credit card will still be for emergencies because I can use that easily if I'm stuck on the side of the road in the boonies. But, you're right. If I have a good surplus, I can then pay off the CC bill with that. Too much of the surplus got used up by unexpected expenses, so I decided the guitar has to wait. I wasn't going to be able to buy it and pay it off immediately. It can wait.