MTRS-Jon;1072678 said:
While I agree in principal that many of the accolades being given to McNabb are indeed premature, you cannot dispute that he is a top ten QB in the league. You can roll out his numbers until you are blue in the face, but he has led the most dominant team in the NFC East this decade.
If Mcnabb was wearing silver and blue with a star on his helmet instead of the eagle most of you would be kissing his jock just like everyone else. You can complain about a supposed ESPN bias all you want to, but every fan base of every professional team believes that ESPN is biased against their team.
I laugh at the comments on this board all the time, a lot of you guys are quick to point out deficiencies in officiating for the Cowboys and then point to the Commander fans about what a bunch of crybabies they are for complaining about the referees.
I think many fans in every sport cannot drop the homer glasses that are covering their eyes, and that discolors their opinions. On the flip side some people are so adverse to being a homer that they become hyper-critical of their team. It always amazes me, the wide spectrum of emotions fans in general can display. I submit to you, before you "hate" a person that you do not know nor will ever know to try and be objective. You might not get as worked up and will significantly lower your risk of blowing a gasket!!!
I want to add that I am not trying to single anybody out with my comments. How you react and feel about this team certain players etc. is your business alone. It makes no difference to me how you feel or what kind of a fan you are, I appreciate everyone's opinion. I don’t agree with many of them, but I respect your right to have one. I guess that is why I like seeing fans from opposing teams frequent this board. I appreciate their point of view without seeing all of the "your team sucks" waste of bandwidth posts.
Ok, let me climb down off this box before someone pushes me off. LOL
Nicely thought out post. I have to disagree with you on one aspect though.
If Mcnabb was wearing silver and blue with a star on his helmet instead of the eagle most of you would be kissing his jock just like everyone else. You can complain about a supposed ESPN bias all you want to, but every fan base of every professional team believes that ESPN is biased against their team.
The bias against the Cowboys is very real and its based on a very rational line of thinking. The Cowboys are the most popular team in the NFL among real fans. (In real fans, i am discarding only the folks who go an buy the jersey of the Winning SB QB each year just to look cool).
Because of that popularity, there is the inevitable flip-side of resentment from other fans. Even though the Cowboys have a larger fans base than any other team, it's size is not 32 times larger. Therefore the "anti-cowboy" fanbase is much much larger than the Cowboy fan-base.
Talk to a Giants fan. They hate the Cowboys. Talk to a Denver fan. They hate the Cowboys. Talk to a Raven, Viking, Bears or Cleveland fan. They hate the Cowboys.
I am a Cowboy fan. I hate the Skins, Eagles, Niners, Packers, Steelers and Giants. Personally, I'm pretty ambivalent about the a number of NFL teams though.
There are very very few real NFL fans who are ambivalent about the Cowboys.
This leads to two results:
1) These media guys are fans themselves it's extremely difficult to completely suppress likes and dislikes and often the underlying dislike for the Cowboys will bleed through.
2) More importantly, siding against the Cowboys caters to the majority of football fans out there, which is their job. To cater to the largest audience possible.
Finally, it's the second point above that further justifies the first point...allowing for more bias to be exposed.
Honestly, there's not much wrong with that. It is their job to attract the most people. This is a very successful way of doing it.