SkinsandTerps said:
PT, I am going to take this on a small tangent.
Do you
expect the Eagles to make the playoffs next season ? And if so how far ?
SaT ...if that was a "small" diversion from the topic, I'd hate to see you really zone-out on something.
Allow me to do a Little diversion of my own ...I "
expected" the Cowboys to make the 2005 playoff -- I still can't explain it ...they were on fire! I
"expected" the G-Men to go further into the Playoff than they did -- that just goes to show you that any team can choke on any given gameday! The Skins ...well, you know the Skins better than I do, you looked good -- real good for a while, I had my fingers crossed (you probabLy already kow I'm an NFCE fan also).
Ok, let me first get the obvious part of my response out of the way ...
of course! As a dedicated fan of any Franchise, you must
expect postivies. Now, realistically, is a bird of another feather.
expect the Eagles to fly under the radar until they get some positions filled with depth ...QB position for starters. It may be just a tad bit early to make a "realistic"
expectation without knowing who Eagles Management will go after in the draft (Eagle fans know who we'd like to go after ...Eagles GM makes the call), or obtain through FA acquisitions.
Now, here's a developing questions ...since they'll be no surprises in the NFCE (except for whether or not the Eagles will remain in the NFCE basement) ...
...will the Cowboys continue their improvement/rise to the top?
...will the Giants return back to the road of the playoffs?
...was the Skins performance a fluke, or the real deal -- and will they
return to the playoffs?
...bBack in your court