In honor of the Tuck Rule. Other rules that should be changed or eliminated

CowboyStar88;5026943 said:
I hate the "control" rule when a player is going out of bounds on a TD like Detroit I think it was last year where megatron caught the ball but because he was shifting arms or something they ruled it not a catch. So dumb! Also I would love to see them make it one foot down on a TD I think you would see some amazing TD's that way.

Also this 45 man roster thing is just dumb you have 53 guys so why can't they all dress? Wouldn't that help with injuries and safety? allowing a team to rotate in guys who are fresh and not as fatigued? I would think there would be less mistakes and better form when tackling against players who are not as tired.

Yeah, that's a newer rule when a receiver goes to the ground. I understand the reasoning of it but the refs screwed it up when they used it on him on that non TD. It was pretty obvious he let it go on purpose.
speedkilz88;5026947 said:
Yeah, that's a newer rule when a receiver goes to the ground. I understand the reasoning of it but the refs screwed it up when they used it on him on that non TD. It was pretty obvious he let it go on purpose.

I just think it's to micro-managed I mean the guy catches the ball in the air goes to the ground has both feet down and lets the ball go after the play? But yet the Ref says oh it was in the act? Too much is left up to the refs judgement some of the rules need to be simplified to avoid human error.
how about we change all the rules back to where guys can actually ply football again.

I mean, def. guys should be able to tackle and hit a QB anywhere on the body.

Unless a defender is altering the WRs abiity to catch the ball, let them play and do not flag them.

Rules that flag players for taking helmet off on field should be eliminated, so should the horsecollar tackle rule.

They need to ease off the excessive celebration flags.

They need to relax on the leading with helmet rule to only be explicit uses, with unintentional being a non flag'

I also think PI plays should not be a spot foul, but rather a 15 yard and a first down. If a defender intentional trips or tackle an open receiver knowing it will only cost a 15 yard penalty rather than an easy TD, then maybe penalize a little harsher but not spot foul (and this would have to be a VERY obvious and intentional PI)

I know there are alot more penalties I would alter or remove, but this is what comes to mind right now
here's a crazy idea: allow each team one kickoff out of bounds per game with no penalty.

teams would have to defend for it. Yikes.
StarSchema;5027055 said:
here's a crazy idea: allow each team one kickoff out of bounds per game with no penalty.

teams would have to defend for it. Yikes.

Nice, or maybe even bring the ball out to the 35 or even the 40 yard line if the kickoff goes into the endzone. Too many kickoffs going into the endzone now.

NO more field goals.....makes teams go for TD's or first downs in the red zone. And no more "cheap" wins-- (looking at the Pats on their SB wins)

Tie games OK, only in post season will there be overtime. Ties can screw up standings and make it fun.

And the head coach should be able to wear a suit and tie.....WTH IS GOING ON AROUND HERE??....(Vince Lombardi voice)
Simple change:

Bump the trade deadline back a few more weeks. It was week 6, they moved it to week 8, but I think it needs to go back a few more weeks. My logic is halfway through the season you still have almost every team alive in playoff contention. Week 10 you are getting closer to win or your done scenarios and teams become more desperate. The "sellers" who realize they are likely done will be willing to deal and get compensation for players on the last year or 2 of their deals. Teams that are "buyers" would me more willing to trade to get that last piece to help on the playoff push.

Just an idea. Its just 2 more weeks.
Get rid of icing the kicker. It doesn't add anything to the game and it confuses and angers casual fans.
Super_Kazuya;5027149 said:
Get rid of icing the kicker. It doesn't add anything to the game and it confuses and angers casual fans.

To add to that, a player on the field has to call for a TO, not a coach.
Super_Kazuya;5027149 said:
Get rid of icing the kicker. It doesn't add anything to the game and it confuses and angers casual fans.
That one doesn't even need to be an "official" rule. They should just tell all the coaches that they should be above crap like that, it hurts the game and to stop it. They should also tell that Bucs coach no more submarining the OL on kneel downs.
lurkercowboy;5026702 said:
Now that the tuck rule is gone, what other rules should be altered or deleted from the rule book?

1. The "football move" or whatever it takes to constitute a legal reception these days. What was wrong with "possession and two feet in bounds?"

2. The penalty for throwing a challenge flag on a play that was going to be challenged anyway, the one that they called the Detroit this last season. Dumb rule overall.

3. What ever they have now instead of "break the plane with possession" rule for scoring TDs. They used this against the Ravens this year when they played the Giants. Dumb rule.

4. Take this situation: offense has no time outs and there are more than two minutes left in the half. Offense is near the goal line and calls a running play. The RB is tackled and the refs call no TD. Replay clearly shows it was a TD and a missed call by the refs. What can the offense do? There is no automatic review and no challenge possible.

What others can we add to the list?

5. The "Tony Romo Rule"

Defenders are allowed to hit Tony: late, to the head and drive him to the ground.

Refs NEVER call it.
speedkilz88;5027161 said:
That one doesn't even need to be an "official" rule. They should just tell all the coaches that they should be above crap like that, it hurts the game and to stop it. They should also tell that Bucs coach no more submarining the OL on kneel downs.

Not sure I agree with that. That's telling the defense to just give up in that circumstance instead of trying to win the game.

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