In-n-out of their minds!!

I must say, that crying chick has a pretty tight body for a fast food patron.
bbgun;3950171 said:
I must say, that crying chick has a pretty tight body for a fast food patron.
She stays away from the true silent killer -- chocolate milk.
This reminds me of several years ago when we got our first kripsy kreme. Lardbutts were lined up and down the service road just to waiting to add to their already obese frames.
Also reminds me of when Orca opps i mean Oprah handed out those free chicken dinner coupons at KFC and it brought out the worst in people.
No wonder people from other countries laugh at us..
Stupidity at its best
For the love of ...

Does In-N-Out Burger laced its product with Oxycontin???
bbgun;3950171 said:
I must say, that crying chick has a pretty tight body for a fast food patron.
She says she had not had it in 8 years.
theogt;3950175 said:
She stays away from the true silent killer -- chocolate milk.

She probably slammed a double chocolate shake with it.
Now her arteries are clogged and she will perish of heart failure,and her insurance company will punish everyone else for her transgression by raising premiums.
nyc;3950096 said:
This is what I mean by herd mentality. It is people blindly following other people because it is the hip thing to do. Just like Apple product releases and bashing Justin Bieber on YouTube or elsewhere.

They are sheep.

This is spot on. Same crazy lines when the first one opened here in Arizona. California transplants talk it up all over the country and the herd follows the hype. I think it is a good fast-food burger. Good. As in, better than MacDonalds and Wendys, etc but equally inferior to what you could grill yourself if you had the time. The fries suck. They have a very simple menu with a lot of "secret lingo" options, for people in-the-know, which probably plays right into the "hip, California" vibe.

Their burgers aren't laced with OxyContin, but I'm pretty sure that woman is...
Sitting Bull;3950252 said:
This is spot on. Same crazy lines when the first one opened here in Arizona. California transplants talk it up all over the country and the herd follows the hype. I think it is a good fast-food burger. Good. As in, better than MacDonalds and Wendys, etc but equally inferior to what you could grill yourself if you had the time. The fries suck. They have a very simple menu with a lot of "secret lingo" options, for people in-the-know, which probably plays right into the "hip, California" vibe.

Their burgers aren't laced with OxyContin, but I'm pretty sure that woman is...

You know I have heard that a few times about their fries.
burmafrd;3950149 said:
health food fanatics make me laugh. Like vegetarians, most of them that admit it look really bad.

I used to be that way, too and ate anything I wanted any time I wanted and life was good. Then after my heart attack I started looking at things a little differently and became more aware of food and where it comes from and how I obtained it and its effects on the human body.

Good luck to you.

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