Incompetent leadership


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That's the story of this franchise. Incompetent leadership at every level of the organization - ownership level, front office level, coaching level.

The biggest issue is that there is no firewall between the owner and the GM. Zero accountability. It's a situation where emotion and loyalty can override sound decision making, and we've seen it play out over and over and over and over.

The Jones boys looked at Garrett not as an employee who was charged with producing winners. A person who needs to meet goals in order to continue leading this team. They looked at him as a friend, a buddy, a link to the past Cowboys glory. When that dynamic is created, it typically leads to failure because those with control become emotional in their defense of that coach and often make illogical decisions in order to protect that coach. A GM has the fear of firing, so he's not likely to become emotionally invested in a mediocre coach. But when the owner is the GM, that very important dynamic is not there. There's no fear of firing, no fear of job security being on the line. They simply can make decisions based on whims and feelings, all with protecting their friend in mind.

You saw it the previous few weeks when they made Alexander a scapegoat and then traded away what will now likely be a Top 10 pick for a WR. They were desperate to try to salvage their friend. They inserted personal feelings into the situation instead of looking long term.

If they had any clue what they were doing, they would have viewed the landscape and known that a WR wasn't what was missing from this team. That the pick had potential to be a very high pick when you looked at how the team was performing at that time, how the QB was playing and the schedule about to come up.

But they threw all sound logic out the window and went into desperation mode. They placed feelings and emotion above smart decision making, hard decision making.

And they will get burned by it. Again. They don't learn, they never will learn and even with a new coach, this will never change until the Jones admit what is patently obvious to anyone who doesn't sleep with blue and silver pom poms between their butt cheeks - that Jones family, while brilliant business people, simply are not equipped to run football operations on their own.