Independent Investigation?


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How independent can it be if it was commissioned by Roger himself and the investigators handpicked by him. Isn't Mara the idiot who colluded with Goodell to rob the cowboys of salary cap? Those two are so far in bed they should order breakfast and light up a smoke. .... independent... suuurre!
Yeah, I thought that was strange too.
Maybe they should let players hand pick the Dr. & the test labs too.
What investigation? Is this about Rice?
What investigation? Is this about Rice?

The NFL announced Wednesday night that former FBI director Robert S. Mueller III will conduct an independent investigation into the league's pursuit and handling of the Ray Rice domestic violence incident.

Here's the full statement released by the league:

"Former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III will conduct an independent investigation into the NFL's pursuit and handling of evidence in the Ray Rice domestic violence incident, Commissioner Roger Goodell announced tonight. Director Mueller's investigation will be overseen by NFL owners John Mara of the New York Giants and Art Rooney of the Pittsburgh Steelers, and the final report will be made public.

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They are going to look for a patsy.

It will be somebody in the league office after it will be confirmed that they had the tape. They may conclude to 'come down' on Roger for not asking the casino for the tape. As one certain Web site reported...they discussed it with the then security of the casino which told them it would NOT be illegal for the casino to hand over a tape to the NFL in this situation. Just more and more lies (I also didn't believe that the authorities would refuse to give the NFL a tape).

Mara and Rooney know the deal...

You can't completely absolve Goodell because it will make the investigation look like a joke. So, you find ways to put some minor blame on Goodell and conclude that he should not be fired...then put more blame on the patsy and get that person fired.

And they will probably take a jab at the prosecutor which is ridiculous. And I was talking to a friend of mine that is a judge and he told me I've been saying...given Palmer pleaded with the prosecutor to not charge Rice and ended up marrying him...the case would have been dismissed because the judge would not foresee a jury being able to convict Rice of felony aggravated assault.

But, what does he know...he's only been a judge for the last 20 years.

Good grief.

There will be some fall guys from the lower levels who will lose their jobs. Goodell and his cronies will wash their hands and move on and this will be ancient news in about a month.
Man, I would like to watch the reports, but I can't stand hearing about the "impeccable" reputation of John Mara.
anytime Mara is involved you know the NFL is trying to cover up something.

lets have a NFL independent investigation led by NFL owner and best friend Jon Mara. Just go Goodell, you're drunk.
This event happened in Feb. people. The media has gone mad with the power they appear to have when it comes to destroying people and won't stop shoving this down our throats until they feel they've milked it for all the ratings they can get. See if for what it is. They don't care about Rice's wife or his family at all.

I feel sorry for the family. I really do. They were both arrested and went through the legal process and have been trying to move on but the mediots won't let it end while the American people seem to be totally ok with meting out mob justice.

It's disturbing. It really is.
it's a clown show! I'm disturbed by how people are acting.

I think a large majority of people today simply hate anyone they perceive as being rich and influential so they will use anything they have to attack Goodell. You would think Goodell is the one that hit a women based on the vitriol pointed his way.
This event happened in Feb. people. The media has gone mad with the power they appear to have when it comes to destroying people and won't stop shoving this down our throats until they feel they've milked it for all the ratings they can get. See if for what it is. They don't care about Rice's wife or his family at all.
Truer words were never spoken.

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