Initial post-draft Roster Evaluation


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Initial post-draft Roster Evaluation

I am not too worried about raw numbers at this point because injuries will resolve alot of that in camp. I ddi keep it to 53 however.

This was inspired by Gimmesix’s fine work:

CONTENDERS - Drew Bledsoe, Tony Romo, Drew Henson, Jeff Mroz, Nick Noce
ANALYSIS -Bledsoe looked quite good in his initial season as a Cowboy but faired better while Flozell Adams was taking care of his blindside at Left Tackle. There is little doubt Bledsoe can make all the throws and he shows excellent accuracy. There is the occasional head scratching decision and rather robotic set and delivery; but that delivery is not much different from what Aikman’s was. That’s simply how you throw the ball with great velocity and accuracy for the most part. If the OL is better Bledsoe will play and play well. Cowboy fans will be up in arms over the 2nd slot because who doesn’t love a juicy QB competition even if it is for the right to wear the headsets. Henson has knocked off some rust in NFL Europe and should be sharp for a contest with Tony Romo in camp. Right now that is your three deep. Mroz seems a good bet for a practice squad assignment and sticking around to see who gets jettisoned out of Romo/Henson by this time next season. Whoever ends up the backup will be inexperienced and that has to be a concern for a team with playoff expectations and even loftier aspirations.
Depth Chart Prediction- Bledsoe, Romo, Henson (Mroz to Practice Squad)
GRADE: 7.5

Fullback/Tight End
CONTENDERS - Jason Witten, Lousaka Polite, Anthony Fasano, Ryan Hannam, Brett Pierce, Sean Ryan, Tony Curtis
ANALYSIS – I like the idea of combining this as gimmesix did and in this new two tight end scheme it makes a lot of sense. Dallas was serious last year about dropping Polite and keeping no fullbacks at all but was not convinced Dan Campbell was able to provide adequate H-Back blocking. That led to the signing of Ryan Hannam. The Drafting of Fasano allows Dallas to use a two tight end set as its base offensive formation and add Hannam in as a lead blocker out of the h-back position for short yardage. This offense will be somewhat original and very dangerous as a passing set. The challenge will be running up the middle out of it consistently. For better or worse Dallas has the best Tight End group in football.
Depth Chart Prediction: Witten, Fasano, Hannam, Pierce

Running Back
CONTENDERS - Julius Jones, Marion Barber, Tyson Thompson, Keylon Kincaide, Demetris Summers
ANALYSIS – Julius Jones has a lot of Fred Taylor to his game. He is capable of being the top rusher any given week but also can be a complete no show with injuries holding him out or severely limiting his production. Marion Barber III is a tough versatile back but lacks that star potential Julius possesses. Tyson Thompson has the best speed of the group but has few moves and lacks vision. If he hits a hole he can take it all the way but he leaves a lot of yards there missing holes. Kincaide and Summers are just depth guys with Summers having a chance to slide into Thompson’s role as potential-laden back with a history of character concerns that gets a second football life after college issues.

Depth Chart Prediction: Jones, Barber, Summers
GRADE: 8.25

Wide Receiver
CONTENDERS Terrell Owens, Terry Glenn, Patrick Crayton, Terrance Copper, Skyler Green, Jamaica Rector, J.R. Tolver, Ahmad Merritt, Tom Crowder, Miles Austin, Sam Hurd
ANALYSIS – TO is here and love him or hate him he has talent and will be option one on most pass plays. If teams do not double team him he will set team records with Bledsoe throwing to him. Terry Glenn is a speed receiver who can be rerouted and has a hard time playing every down but he has great hands and makes tough catches. Having TO here makes Terry Glenn a real threat because you can not cover him with a safety over the top. The issue for Dallas after two stellar starters is a green Patrick Crayton and complete unknowns at every other slot on the depth chart. Skyler Green is a Terry Glenn type with great moves in the open field but lacking Glenn’s hands. Dallas will demand that the fourth receiver know all the plays, block well and play special teams. Terrance Copper will be in danger if anyone else steps up there and Green is already penciled in as the teams return man for both punts and kick offs. .
Depth Chart Prediction: Owens, Glenn, Crayton, Green (Austin to Practice Squad)

CONTENDERS - Flozell Adams, Jason Fabini, Rob Pettiti, Marc Colombo, Pat McQuistan, Dennis Roland
ANALYSIS Flozell Adams is just a notch below Pro Bowl level and has been Dallas’ best OL for years. Forget Larry Allen’s annual Pro Bowl treks, it was Flozell who kept the line afloat and that was readily apparent with his absence last season. A mediocre OL became utterly abysmal. Jason Fabini is a tough Tackle with limited athleticism but great know how. He has been playing Left Tackle and occasionally being overmatched. He was brought in her to play Right Tackle and Parcells has all the faith in the world he will cut down sacks allowed by more than half at the position. He is also a stop gap to allow Colombo and Petitti a chance to develop further. The positions is getting better with those guys in tow and now it just remains to be seen if Petitti, Colombo, Roland or McQuistan can turn into a future starter.
Depth Chart Prediction Adams, Fabini, Pettiti, Colombo (McQuistan and Roland to Practice Squad)

CONTENDERS - Kyle Kosier, Marco Rivera, Stephen Peterman, Cory Proctor, Shannon Snell, E.J. Whitley,
ANALYSIS Quoting Gimmesix: “The Cowboys aggressively targeted Kosier at the beginning of free agency, so it’s apparent they believe he will be a solid replacement for Larry Allen.” That’s absolutely well stated. Kosier is a versatile and consistent guy who won’t pancake many but will be expected to prevent breakdowns. Rivera should be better because he should be healthier. Peterman, Proctor and Snell will be battling for the third guard spot and one of the final few roster spots. Dallas can use Andre Gurode as a backup guard as well.
Depth Chart Prediction: Kosier, Rivera, Peterman (Whitley to the Practice Squad)
GRADE: 7.5

CONTENDERS Al Johnson, Andre Gurode, Matthew Tarullo
ANALYSIS – Johnson is a smart battler who lacks great size. His development has been hampered by the rookie season knee injury but he has reportedly gained a lot of weight and strength in his second full season since injury concerns. If he is playing near his listed weight of 305 he can be an above average player. Andre Gurode can dominate in man on man situations but fails to make mental adjustments and can get lost on stunts and blitzes. Gurode is valuable because he can be plugged in at both guard or center and handle anyone man on man. .
Depth Chart Prediction: Johnson, Gurode
GRADE: 7.25


CONTENDERS - Marcus Spears, Greg Ellis, Chris Canty, Kenyon Coleman, Jay Ratliff, Jason Hatcher, Vontrell Jamison
ANALYSIS – Greg Ellis had eight more sacks last season and continues to show the best pass rushing ability of any defensive end on the squad. As he was shuttled more to the bench the defense became less dangerous. Ellis does not fill Parcells preferred body type but he does match his preferred production. Expect Ellis to play on passing downs this year with the best rusher of the Spears, Canty, Hatcher grouping. Spears and Canty will be the run stopping group. This is the best group of Dallas defensive ends since Haley retired.
Depth Chart Prediction: Spears, Canty, Ellis, Hatcher, Ratliff

Nose Tackle
CONTENDERS - Jason Ferguson, Thomas Johnson, Montavious Stanley, Steve Williams
ANALYSIS - Jason Ferguson was nagged up last year and he never outplayed the small but game LaRoi Glover. Thomas “Pepper” Johnson was huge find but no one filled that block-absorbing role quite right. Dallas expects Ferguson t do so and he has the track record to suggest he will if healthy. Montavious Stanley was drafted to eat up blocks as well and he has the potential to help right away.
Depth Chart Prediction: Ferguson, Stanley, Johnson (Williams to practice squad)

Outside Linebacker
CONTENDERS Demarcus Ware, Bobby Carpenter, Al Singleton, Kalen Thornton, Rocky Boiman, Junior Glymph, John Saldi, J.J. Horne
ANALYSIS – Demarcus Ware was an outstanding rookie who was only overshadowed because it was an excellent class. Ware gave up a handful of plays but will get better with experience. His pass rush moves will need to be developed further but his raw speed and athleticism is freakishly good. Bobby Carpenter was drafted to step in day one and provide solid play in all aspects. He is a natural strong side backer in the 3-4 defense and has a chance to be the kind of pro player his best friend, AJ Hawk, was as a collegian. Al Singleton is a steady pro who has proven to be impossible for Parcells to jettison. A lot like Ellis and Dat Nguyen, Singleton plays bigger than he lists. Boiman was signed for depth and outstanding special teams play.
Depth Chart Prediction: Ware, Carpenter, Thornton, Boiman (Saldi to practice squad)
GRADE: 8.5

Inside linebacker
CONTENDERS - Akin Ayodele, Bradie James, Kevin Burnett, Ryan Fowler, Kai Parham, Scott Shanle, D.D. Lee, Oliver Hoyte
ANALYSIS – Akin was signed to provide a veteran presence in the middle and collect tackles. He is going to start next to Bradie James who finally broke out last year in the move to the 3-4 defense. Kevin Burnett could play inside or outside provided his health and attitude does not hamper him. Fowler is a pure run stuffer and Shanle a nickel coverage backer but both make plays on special teams and will be hard to knock off the roster.
Depth Chart Prediction: Ayodele, James, Burnett, Fowler, Shanle (Parham to practice squad)
GRADE: 8.25

CONTENDERS - Anthony Henry, Terrence Newman, Aaron Glenn, Jacques Reeves, Nathan Jones, Lenny Williams, Marcus King, Byron Parker, Ronald Jones
ANALYSIS – Terrence Newman stepped up into a shutdown corner role last season and teams found attacking Anthony Henry to be a risky proposition. Henry can be beaten occasionally but will also make big plays against you. He was the team’s best defensive player prior to injury. Aaron Glenn has clearly lost a step but has a lot of veteran savvy and leadership skills. He is a great nickel guy who helps cement that group. Jacque Reeves really stepped up his game last year and when called up he proved he could flat cover. I believe Dallas has the best cornerback group in the NFL.
Depth Chart Prediction: Henry, Newman, Glenn, Reeves, N. Jones (King to Practice Squad)

CONTENDERS - Roy Williams, Marcus Coleman, Keith Davis, Pat Watkins, Justin Beriault, Willie Pile, Darrell Brooks, Abram Elam
ANALYSIS – Roy Williams is still the league’s most feared and hardest hitting safety. As such asking him to play 20 yards off the ball is kind of like asking Lawrence Taylor to cover the flats. Dallas recognized that (finally) and doubled up in the off-season in pursuit of coverage safeties with former CB, Marcus Coleman and draftee Pat Watkins. Coleman and Watkins are actually similar players with long builds and great coverage ability. Davis and Beriault did not disappoint last season but were simply not able to step into the role due to injury for Beriault and skill set for Davis. Davis is a Roy Williams mini-me. He’ll be a great backup and special teams star.
Depth Chart Prediction: Williams, Coleman, Davis, Watkins, Beriault (Brooks to practice squad)


Long Snapper
CONTENDERS L.P. Ladouceur,
ANALYSIS 1 roster spot earmarked for LaDouceur who is adequate and cheap.
Depth Chart Prediction: Ladouceur

CONTENDERS - Mike Vanderjagt, Shaun Suisham, Chris McMurtray
ANALYSIS – The only real question is will Dallas keep a kick off specialist. Jerry would like to find a way to develop McMurtay but it will be hard to squeezes a second kicker onto the roster over a solid positional player. I suspect Dallas will try to ride with Vanderjagt’s kickoffs and really load up great special teams tacklers for the kickoff team.
Depth Chart Prediction: Vanderjagt (McMurtray to practice squad)
GRADE: 8.75

CONTENDERS - Mat McBriar, Brian Claybourn
ANALYSIS - McBriar has a strong, strong leg and his few shanks are made up for with field position turning blasts. He seems quite safe.
Depth Chart Prediction: McBriar

Return Specialists
CONTENDERS – Skyler Green, Tyson Thompson, Patrick Crayton, Marion Barber III, Demetris Summers
ANALYSIS – Dallas would love to see Skyler Green take off in this role and then pair him with a bigger, blocking teammate for kick off return. Crayton should handle punt return duties if Green is injured. Demetris Summers could bump Thompson off the roster with an excellent showing here and an assist from Thompson in the lack of development department.
Depth Chart Prediction: Green, Barber, Crayton, Summers
GRADE: 8.5


Well-Known Member
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I like it, but i just think you cut a guy that avg'd almost 30 yards on kickoffs for an unknown. I think Thompson sticks. I love everything else though.


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Love it, but I thought Singleton(LB) would be included based upon what you said about him

bobbie brewskie

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nice write up!

50cent said:
I like it, but i just think you cut a guy that avg'd almost 30 yards on kickoffs for an unknown. I think Thompson sticks. I love everything else though.

Thompson made the weekly roster cuts last year because of returns, this year we have skyler green back to return. Remember when the A-train and Thompson would battle for the #3 RB spot until Thomas was cut?

Thompson is a speed demon and thats about it, he is not as complete of a back as demetrius williams and will be challenged for the "Running Back" spot, just because of the fact that williams is a more complete back.

Thompson however is a "Parcells Guy" and is a solid KR behind skyler green, thompson wins out just because the 3rd RB will contribute more on special teams than as an actual RB.


Well-Known Member
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Nice job. But Thompson makes it over Summers. Singleton definitely makes it over Thorton at LB. And drop one S(Beriault) or CB(Nate Jones) to make room for a KO specialist.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Good work, JT. I'm not so sure they will carry a QB on the practice squad, but it could definitely happen.

There are some tough decisions to be made regarding a steady player like Singleton and some developmental players like Thompson. But somebody's got to go. You can't keep everyone.

It's nice to finally have the problem of having to let good or promising players go to other teams instead of picking up, AND PLAYING, other teams' practice squad guys.

The X factor in all of this is the question of who will be cap casualties and final cut victims to round out the bottom of the roster.

Again, good job to both you and Gimmiesix.


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Two comments:

Green has great hands but cannot block. He will surprise as a possession receiver with the speed to take it all the way.

Whitley has been working at center. I think Gurode may be waived if Whitley can pick up the keys quickly.


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why is it thompsons is called our fastest player when he runs a 4.44?

seems like deon sanders could still do that at 68 or how ever old he is now.


"You want some?"
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Nice job JT!

I question Shanle and Fowler making the team over Singleton. I'm not a huge Singleton fan but I'm less of a Shanle fan... I just thought he sucked last year. Fowler. He might be worth hanging on to.


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stealth said:
why is it thompsons is called our fastest player when he runs a 4.44?

seems like deon sanders could still do that at 68 or how ever old he is now.
fastest rb not player.

tnew is the fastest player.


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MichaelWinicki said:
Nice job JT!

I question Shanle and Fowler making the team over Singleton. I'm not a huge Singleton fan but I'm less of a Shanle fan... I just thought he sucked last year. Fowler. He might be worth hanging on to.

Its just where they play.

Singleton has to deal with Carpenter and Ware who are unlikely to ever come off the field while Shanle and Fowler are competing with James and Ayodele who may offer some time in nickel sets or goalline to other players.

BP will always give the edge to youth if talent is even close.

Not sure Singleton will be gone at all though.
One injury is about all it takes before he's back in vogue.

But his money could be a concern as a non-starter something shanle and fowler are unlikely to ever have to worry about. In the end I kept Fowler and Shanle for special teams alone. I would guess one or the other would be inactive most weeks depending on if we played a running team or a passing team.

Crown Royal

Insulin Beware
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I've said it in all the other threads, and now it's just sort of saying it to make sure I get coverage:

I really don't see us going into the season with more than 4 safeties on the roster. 5 Corners - yes, 5 Safeties - no.


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thanks for all the responses and time spent reading...

Definitely not a short read I know.
I definitely do not expect to be anywhere near 100% on these predictions.
So I'll offer what I was thinking but am not offering arguments because who knows in the end.

Various notes:

I fully intended to have Singleton on the roster until I added up my keeps.
I had to remove 2 non-starting, non-special teamers. I axed Sean Ryan and Al Singleton. I could easily see both making the final roster due to injuries. I think both have NFL talent. Singleton would probably be traded for a low round pick to New Orleans before being simply cut. He can still play in a 4-3 for most teams.

I like area kids. I am a bigger fan of college recruiting than even the NFL draft. Tyson Thompson was a top 5 area player coming out of high school before he got into trouble. He was a real stud in high school. All that said, he has always had character concerns. He was sat a few games last season by Parcells and made inactive. Had Jones been healthy all year I'm not sure how many games he would have made. He averaged about 25 yards per return not 30. BP will want Green to reach 29. BP clearly intends to have Green play there and make active game days.

Demetris has as many off field concerns as Thompson but he also has 10x as much production from the running back spot past high school. Summers was a stud in college before getting the boot. Summers does have some wiggle and some vision. Again, I like Tyson Thompson on the team but to me he has Troy Hambrick written all over him. In a battle of knuckleheads I'll take the local guy every time if all things are equal. In this case, I simply believe Summers is a vastly superior player at running back.

We could keep a lot of tight ends because we have alot of guys we think highly of. All that said how bad must it suck ot be a tight end on this roster when you know Bill will add 2 more every year just because he loves guys who are 6'5" and 250 to 260. They are the outside linebacker sof offense and he loves guys that size. Its almost some kinda scary fetish, lol.



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Crown Royal said:
I've said it in all the other threads, and now it's just sort of saying it to make sure I get coverage:

I really don't see us going into the season with more than 4 safeties on the roster. 5 Corners - yes, 5 Safeties - no.

You could absolutely be correct but you also have to account for the fact Keith Davis and Pat Watkins are very likely the best two gunners on this team. Do we give up on Beriault already? I don't think we will as long as he can also play special teams. I dont think 10 DBs is out of the norm for NFL teams nowadays with as much nickel and dime that gets played.


"You want some?"
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jterrell said:
You could absolutely be correct but you also have to account for the fact Keith Davis and Pat Watkins are very likely the best two gunners on this team. Do we give up on Beriault already? I don't think we will as long as he can also play special teams. I dont think 10 DBs is out of the norm for NFL teams nowadays with as much nickel and dime that gets played.

I could see us keeping 10 db's. I just think we'll compensate by going light in some other areas.

Crown Royal

Insulin Beware
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jterrell said:
You could absolutely be correct but you also have to account for the fact Keith Davis and Pat Watkins are very likely the best two gunners on this team. Do we give up on Beriault already? I don't think we will as long as he can also play special teams. I dont think 10 DBs is out of the norm for NFL teams nowadays with as much nickel and dime that gets played.

I think it is between Coleman and Beriault, yes. Honestly, I think it depends on Watkins as much as anything.

10 DBs isn't out of the question, but I would sooner take 6 Corners than 5 Safeties, unless Coleman proves that he could slide back in at safety.

Although FS was a need this offseason, it wasn't so bad that we are going to be strung up by it. Therefore, I would think that we should be able to keep only 4. There are just too many other roster spaces that need depth that I can't see us justifying taking away from, say, linebacker or OLine to keep a fifth safety.

Honestly - I don't see Coleman making the team. He won't contribute on ST as much as Watkins, Davis and hopefully Beriault. The only way I see him staying is if Davis doesn't progress from last year or Watkins is no where near starting material.

big dog cowboy

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Good job JT. The final cuts this year really look to be difficult choices. It's nice to see competition for roster spots between good football players again.


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Crown Royal said:
I think it is between Coleman and Beriault, yes. Honestly, I think it depends on Watkins as much as anything.

10 DBs isn't out of the question, but I would sooner take 6 Corners than 5 Safeties, unless Coleman proves that he could slide back in at safety.

Although FS was a need this offseason, it wasn't so bad that we are going to be strung up by it. Therefore, I would think that we should be able to keep only 4. There are just too many other roster spaces that need depth that I can't see us justifying taking away from, say, linebacker or OLine to keep a fifth safety.

Honestly - I don't see Coleman making the team. He won't contribute on ST as much as Watkins, Davis and hopefully Beriault. The only way I see him staying is if Davis doesn't progress from last year or Watkins is no where near starting material.
You could be right but I am not leaning that way yet.

Coleman is a former player of Bill's and will be counted on to start or he wouldn't be here in all honesty. He wasn't signed for depth or he could have been signed post draft. Word around here is that he was not even taking calls from other teams because he had already committed to coming here long before he signed. Thats just barber shop gossip mind you, but it was around before he signed and makes some sense. When a player is from Dallas almost everyone knows some family member who loves to talk about their football playing relative as a Cowboy.

I played with Coleman in college(ok basically watched him play lol) and may be slightly biased.

1 thing that is certain is that no safety on this team will match his man coverage skills. He can still cover. With the Texans his issue was tackling not coverage. Odd considering he was a linebacker/rover at Tech in the 4-4 of Spike Dykes.

I would never consider a former player Bill brought in being cut. It just happens so rarely(see Ryan Young).

I think the OL will be able to go a bit light because of all the depth guys playing multiple positions with the possible exception of Petitti being a true RT.

Another consideration is that RW is in a contract year. Keith Davis just signed a 2 year deal and Coleman is a short term guy as well. Not sure we would give up on Beriault with all those guys on shorter term deals. Especially not if he can play both safeties and help on special teams. I guess it would be hard for me to assume Ireland missed on the guy if he hit on everyone else.