Curious as to what most of you consider yourselves and why?
Myself - definitely introvert. Much more comfortable observing in person than actively creating conversation - but working to get better at doing so.
Curious as to what most of you consider yourselves and why?
Myself - definitely introvert. Much more comfortable observing in person than actively creating conversation - but working to get better at doing so.
You are not an introvert when you are safely tucked away behind a keyboard, that's for sure.
When I see usernames or avatars that are basically anti (insert team name here) I often think that the user falls into the category of hating another team more than loving their own. And that includes Dallas fans with usernames and avatars hating the skins or eagles. Also goes for those individuals who get tattoos hating on other teams.
Just my opinion.
Me too! Never met a stranger.
Me too! Never met a stranger.
Introvert and extremely cynical. I find very little good in the common man including myself.
Depends how much alcohol I've consumed.
and the answer could still go either way. lol
Alot of alcohol and they get real quiet... OR alot of alcohol and they get real friendly.
Yep, some get friendly, some get funny, some get quiet, some get loud, some get sad, some want to fight. Makes some like to spend too much money.
Funny how that works like that.