K, individual players;:
Roger's... he's an arrogant Azz
Jack Lambert, psycho got away with attacking Cliff Harris for patting the Stealer kicker after missing a FG and Lambert saw the tap and assault Harruis from behind,, picking him up and slammed him down on his back. Neck,, and shoulder
No penalty or expulsion. I, m not happy still
Rapistberher.ràped /sexually assaulted a 19 year old college freshman in a bar in a bathroom. No repercussions as the Rooney's got him out of it all.
Eli ... luckier than good , goof face
Fran Tarkington is a good choice n
Now hated teams meaning players past and present, and management::
Easily GB. PHILTHY tops my list of hated
Buddy Ryan deserves a special hate shoutout. Tv