*** is going on with my computer!?! :(

Reef Engineer

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I've been having some MAJOR problems with my computer not being able to access the internet, pop ups, etc. I can't seem to stay on for more than 10 minutes when it locks up or I get a barrage of ads pop up that won't allow themselves to be closed/deleted. I've reinstalled IE and no good. I installed "Ad-Guard" and it causes IE to lock up on me so I had to remove it. I've installed McAfee's Internet Security (virus protection, firewall, etc) and in going through it I found a file located at c:\\program files\exe\exe.exe - any idea what this file is? It looks odd and I know there are several exe.exe type viruses so was going to delete it BUT what if it's actually something useful? Yikes! So, any idea what the file might be?

Any idea what I can/should do to get IE back on track?

One last thing - you know how you can type CNTL-ALT-DEL and get the task manager - something's happened to mine where it'll pop up BUT you can only see the programs running on one screen - it doesn't have the tabs for the other screens where you can see things in the background - like multiple versions of IE going, etc - this was probably caused by one of the 53 virus/worms/trojans that I deleted earlier today - any idea how I can get it back?

Sorry for the multiple questions and thanks in advance!
Try downloading Adaware program and running it....after it cleans everything off you may even wish to use spybot and run it.

I do not know about spbot but adaware does not attach to the IE so it should not effect the IE.

After using those two to clear out the spyware...

Go here.... http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ and do a free online virus scan (if you can stay on IE.

If you are still having troubles after all of that then you may be best served by backing up the programs or files you want to keep and just reformat your whole hard drive.

Hope that helps.

thanks for the advice - I already have adaware on here but am not familiar with spybot - will have to check that out. I'll run that online virus check just to see.

Thanks again.
It is so bad one will not work trust me it is a daily battle there also is a new one out that no one has found a way to kill it.

It is using a dll that renames itself and is differnt every time

A bunch of geeks are working on reverse enginerring it.

You may be in the format c: mode and rebuild ground up

Then I would install these 4 things

Spybot 1.3


Goto http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/downloads.html

and install SpywareBlaster 3.1 and SpywareGuard 2.2

Then go to http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/

all these are free and work better than most the payed ones.

Trust me on this I keep tabs on this stuff do to work.

What spyblaster does works with spybotin cunjction. Spybot blocks about a 1000 know spywares and checks and cleans them.

Spyware blaster blocks and protects against the active x spyware with out freakin up the active x function you need for a regular web site well over 1500 now

Spyguard is another layer and helps stop the spywares that use cookies (double click and alexia are a few)

I also use adware because I found that sometimes adware will catch one spybot does not clean and vice versa

Ok now that I geeked you out and made your eye glaze over hehe

I will also post here when someone reverse engineers the new one.

Buddy of my has it and is trying to find a tidbit or two to help out those guys. I will post the message board site he is using after I talk to him again :) Teusday or I may see him when we online game.

Hope this helps and if you need more info pm me or post a question and I will try my best to get you an answer from me or another geek friend or two.
Thanks for the links - I actually have all three installed already on my system.

I've gotten things under control with the pop-ups and figured out the task manager "problem" - a "doh!" on my part.

Now I have a partial installation of win xp to deal with. It wants to default to setup every time ... need to get rid of the partial install (I have a full installation already, obviously)

Things that make you go, "hmmmmmmmmmm"
Reef Engineer said:
Thanks for the links - I actually have all three installed already on my system.

I've gotten things under control with the pop-ups and figured out the task manager "problem" - a "doh!" on my part.

Now I have a partial installation of win xp to deal with. It wants to default to setup every time ... need to get rid of the partial install (I have a full installation already, obviously)

Things that make you go, "hmmmmmmmmmm"

A partial and a full huh?

So did you try to reinstall XP to correct some bugs and accidentally take the wrong option?

I know there are options when reinstalling that will setup another winxp which is crazy IMO.
System properties in the control panel. Go to advanced tab then click the settings button on the Start up and recovery section. Then the edit tab on the System startup section and the file that opens should look like this

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect If you don't have professional take the word out, it will ask to save when you close the file. Do so then push ok, ok and restart.
BrAinPaiNt said:
A partial and a full huh?

So did you try to reinstall XP to correct some bugs and accidentally take the wrong option?

I know there are options when reinstalling that will setup another winxp which is crazy IMO.


I kept trying to reinstall to take care of the probs but it only gave me two options, upgrade or new installation. I tried the former three times but it cancelled every time telling me there's a partially installed program - install fully and come back but - for the life of me - had no idea what that program could be ... nothing I knew of.

I decided to try the new installation hoping that it would overwrite the first but as soon as I saw the warning for installing two operating systems on the same drive, I cancelled out of the install ... but the partial remains to torment me - ha ha. :D
I have no idea what you said below but it's worth a shot - I'll give it a whirl when I get home later today - and thanks in advance! (just in case!) :D

Kangaroo said:
System properties in the control panel. Go to advanced tab then click the settings button on the Start up and recovery section. Then the edit tab on the System startup section and the file that opens should look like this

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect If you don't have professional take the word out, it will ask to save when you close the file. Do so then push ok, ok and restart.
Ok, hombre,

Went to the location and chose win xp as my default operating system rather than setup and now she's good to go. You are da man! I am not worthy.

I take back all those things I thought about you ... :D

Seriously, thanks!
Here's an idea. Download Netscape.

My IE went bonkers a month or so ago, no matter what I did, I'd eventually have the same problems over and over again. So, I downloaded Netscape and things are running wonderfully.

Thanks for the tip but I actually moved away previously from Netscape because of problems I was having at the time (long since resolved) and got to like IE better. I use Netscape at work right now.

In any event, all the problems have been worked out thanks to the guys here and elsewhere that helped out - thanks again!

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