Is Pro-Wrestling Fake?

Pro wrestling is fake.

These guys however, are amateurs so they have to do everything 100% legitimately real in order to get to their retirement jobs as pro wrestlers.

That guy is a hell of a hypnotist.
*Pro* wrestling. lol

I just don't get it. How do so many people like this crap?
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate it because it's fake. Fake fighting could be alright, I hate it because it's HORRIBLE.

The fights are 1 sided exchanges. There is no *fight*. Nothing to entertain me. The characters and storylines are super awful, which I could ignore if the fights looked real or entertaining at all, but they don't.

Nothing about wrestling looks like actual wrestling, or fighting at all. It's just guys taking turns hitting each other without any attempts to block. It's like "Hey hit me 5 times, I'll stumble around, then I'll smack you once and hit you 5 times, then you stumble, then you kick me, and hit me 5 more times".

And they just repeat that every match every fight.
Had a friend who was a fan of wrestling, knowing it's a fake, pretty much.

What he told me was that every so often, there'd be some bad blood between the guys, and they'd take it out in the ring. Because, what are they gonna do, call it off because of going off script?

Also, you gotta figure if any of those guys are steroidal, they might rage a bit once in a while.
What, you've never seen voodoo wrestling before??

That clip was a classic example of the genre, marred only by Brainpaint's striptease outside the ring... I could have done without that...
CliffnMesquite;3832677 said:
It's not so much fake as...Scripted.

A bunch of stuntmen doing real stunts, pretending to fight. Oddball.
Pro Wrestling is fake the guys are basically stuntmen and yes they get injured from doing the stunts.

If I close lined guys in the throat like they do he would not be jumping back up and laying a ddt on me :lmao:
Watching wrestling is like watching any other tv show....the office isn't a real documentary either! They're just actors reading from a script! They don't even shoot in Pennsylvania....they shoot in LA!

I don't get the hate...if you don't like it, fine. I used to watch it when it was good and had real stars but has trailed off big time the last 5 years.
Surely there isn't really anyone with half a brain that thinks it is a real competition .... surely not!
kmp77;3832893 said:
Watching wrestling is like watching any other tv show....the office isn't a real documentary either! They're just actors reading from a script! They don't even shoot in Pennsylvania....they shoot in LA!

I don't get the hate...if you don't like it, fine. I used to watch it when it was good and had real stars but has trailed off big time the last 5 years.

This. It used to be good back in the Attitude Era, before the WWE bought out WCW. They actually had real talent and decent writing back then. NWO, DX, Goldberg, Austin, the Rock, etc..

Now it seems the WWE has completely forgotten how to develop talent or personas and TNA tried to keep going with the big names but their writing is simply atrocious. I liked when they brought back Hall and Nash with XPac, but that was short lived, and the Main Event Mafia stable with Angle, Steiner, Nash, Sting, and Booker T was cool while it lasted, but again, even with all the big names the writing was just AWFUL there. They could have taken that company so much higher with all that big talent but they really dropped the ball.

Its just boring these days..
Stautner;3832921 said:
Surely there isn't really anyone with half a brain that thinks it is a real competition .... surely not!

So are you suggesting they weren't really hypnotized?
Danny White;3832971 said:
So are you suggesting they weren't really hypnotized?

I don't know, I blacked out for a few moments while watching it.
Well yes it's fake.

Ha and can't you believe i wanted to wrestle when i was smaller. :lmao2: Tell you the truth if you put me with any of them i could probably beat them. :fight: I'd like to get a hold of Micheal MCcool. Or what ever her name is. also that Layla. There LameAndCruel. Ha good name for them LameAndCruel. And Eve She's the worst botcher (again or what ever you call it.) Can't you believe she has the tittle my gosh who'd she pay off to get it.
Its scripted fake but the toll it can, and does, take on their bodies is very real. If you've ever walked around in one of those rings you'll know that there really isn't much padding to them and the landings on those things aren't exactly the best feeling things in the world.

It's not a huge shock that many of those guys wind up hooked on pain killers, drugs, and alcohol in order to deal with the grind and toll it takes on their bodies.

Not to mention in the big leagues, like the WWE, there is no offseason to heal up and get ready for the next season like other athletes get the pleasure of. The WWE people, especially, are on the road like 300 days a year. The only time they get extended 'breaks' from the business is if they're out with serious injury.

Very tough life.

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