All of this griping and complaining about the officials is really getting rediculous. Sure, the officials missed some pretty obvious calls. But you know what, the officials were poor yesterday on both sides.
Some of the posts that I have been reading on here suggest that the league has formed a plot against the cowboys. Did the Commanders probably have a few more calls go their way? the answer is probably yes. But is there a conspiracy against the cowboys with the NFL officials. NO!
I mean seriously, if someone from another teams fanbase were reading this forum right now we would sound like a bunch of excuse making homers. This is not usually the case at cowboyszone, or at least it hasnt been since I have been a member here.
Lets face the facts, We didnt show up to play against the Commanders on Sunday. The Commanders DID! They wanted this game a lot more than we did, and it was clear to anyone watching that this was the case. We got out-played, and out-coached and we have no one to blame for this except the players and the coaching staff.
Another thing....Did we really expect the cowboys to go undefeated? I think the players AND THE COACHING STAFF deserve a little bit of slack.
This is just the first quarter of the season.....we still have a LONG WAY TO GO. I read one poster on here this morning that put it best " This isnt a race, It's a marathon." and We Still have 3/4 of the way to go.
We lost to the Commanders, it wasnt the first time.....and it wont be the last. Of course It sucks when you lose to possibly your biggest rival, but thats why its called a RIVALRY.
Hopefully our players can put this loss behind them, but at the same time.....LEARN FROM IT.
So please.....Stop making excuses (it makes us all look stupid), and dont jump off the cliff just might miss out on something great!