Is Wade Phillips the Coach we need?


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Darkhound;2312826 said:
Ok guys... i think we are all entitles to our opinions.
Belive me... I still have Faith in Romo and I had my doubts for Wade but I cannot deny to think hwat if we had somone else.....

There will always be questions here and there....
How many of you belived or were "happy" when we had Dave campo. He could never get us beyond 5 wins..

And How long before Garret is the HC... if he even becomes...

Don't mean to get off topic, but do you relaize Romo is holdig the ball left handed in your sig? And the #9 is mirrored? Time to fix it on Adobe...


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ryanbabs;2312844 said:
Don't mean to get off topic, but do you relaize Romo is holdig the ball left handed in your sig? And the #9 is mirrored? Time to fix it on Adobe...

:) yeah... i am working on a new sig as we speak!

Back to topic... do you guys think we will make it to hte SB with this coaching staff?

Velvet Jones

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I think Wade is a good enough head coach to get there, yes. And I think Romo is a good enough QB to get there. That said, I am not sure the coaching staff is good enough. Wade is a good ol boy which is easy to pile up on. I don't mind that. It wins him games. But I am a follower of habits and Wade has a habit of not winning in the post season. It sucks but it is there. Hopefully he and Romo break their habit this season.


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Doomsday101;2312795 said:
I think anyone who wants to be at least fair and objective will give Wade a real opportunity to prove himself. He has been the HC all of 1 year and 5 games. Most coaches get a least a chance many around here have given Wade none because they wanted someone different to begin with. Hell we have some who will claim that win or lose the SB that We need a change? That is a no win situation they have placed on Phillips.

You are absolutely correct!

I just think he should be given a full two years as a chance, but on someone else's dime.

Unless you haven't been around the 'Boys long, every coach (especially Landry) had pressure put on him. One who inherits a team this stocked with players will be on the hot seat, and I hope Wade knew that coming in. If not, he is even more clueless than I thought.


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superpunk;2312774 said:
No, and Tony isn't the QB we need, and this isn't the lameass, feigned innocence, introspective thread we need.

Wow, somebody awoke ont he wrong side of the punk bed this morning.:lmao2:
Did you have crushed glass for breakfast????


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theogt;2312923 said:
Dumb thread.

Poster going on ignore.

Mmmmm i guess you are the type of person that does not stand a different point of view!

Anyhow... The real test will be on the playoffs (if we get there) If we dont make it to the SB, i think Wade is done


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GimmeTheBall!;2312909 said:
You are absolutely correct!

I just think he should be given a full two years as a chance, but on someone else's dime.

Unless you haven't been around the 'Boys long, every coach (especially Landry) had pressure put on him. One who inherits a team this stocked with players will be on the hot seat, and I hope Wade knew that coming in. If not, he is even more clueless than I thought.

Yeah I remember well and when fans hollered for Landry head Murchinson and Tex gave Landry a 10 year deal.

Since when does fans opinion really matter? Most fans think with emotion not logic and any GM who makes these types of decision based on what fans want is the biggest idiot around.

As for the talent he took over the same talent that BP lost to Seattle with in the playoffs, now we have added more talent and yes expectation are high and should be high for this team. I like Garrett but we don't know what he could do as a HC right now he could be another Norv Turner for all we know.

This team is winning with Wade we came up short in the playoff but this team is playing the best ball it has in years and at least in my opinion the man deserves the chance to prove himself all too often teams go out and fire coach after coach after coach and end up never doing anything. Then again being a long time Cowboy fan (1965) it does not surprise me to see some who are quick in judgment of players and coaches.


Texas Ranger
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This team needs a new owner while we are at it.

On a serious note, it wasn't that long before Wade Phillips was crowned head coach when everyone was wishing they can have Wade Phillips because he knew the 3-4. There was post such as "Dam I wish we could have Wade coaching for this team because the Chargers defense are good."


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Darkhound;2312768 said:
I am starting to think... that this "soft" guy might not be the answer we need.
I think that given the players and personalities we have, we need a coach with more "poise" and determination.

I think that a team does reflect a coache's spirit.

Any comments?

Look at his history. It keeps repeating it's self.


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Dave_in-NC;2313071 said:
Look at his history. It keeps repeating it's self.

Landry could never win the big one until he did. We lost to the Browns a couple of time, The Packers a couple of time and the Colts history would say Landry could not win the big one yet reality is he did and then did it again. Some of the Phillips teams who lost in the playoffs where not very good teams to being with. He took a rebuilding Buffalo team to the post season and lost on a bad call on a return?


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Doomsday101;2313083 said:
Landry could never win the big one until he did. We lost to the Browns a couple of time, The Packers a couple of time and the Colts history would say Landry could not win the big one yet reality is he did and then did it again. Some of the Phillips teams who lost in the playoffs where not very good teams to being with. He took a rebuilding Buffalo team to the post season and lost on a bad call on a return?

Tom coached one team. There is a reason for that. Wade has been with five teams, all the same results. I'm starting to believe it's just in his cards.
I wanted him here, I was hoping he learned. Even jones took a lesson from Parcells.


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I swear some of you people amaze me. This team is 4-1 and most of you act like we will have the first team in the draft next year. My god give it a rest. You know the other teams have players too. The last time I checked they get paid too. Sometimes the other team deserves some credit. Some of you say we are making excuses but have no problem making excuses for the Giants when we point out that they had to go to overtime to beat this same team. a game they were real lucky to win by the way. This board drives me crazy sometime. Half of you want to string up Romo because he threw an interception and the other half wants to fire the coach because he doesn't scream. Just because you scream doesn't mean anything. Mike Ditka is the king of screaming what the hell did he do in New Orleans? Jimmy didn't win in Miami. Gruden didn't win in Oakland. Mike Shanahan doesn't scream. Is he a good coach? You don't see Andy Reid scream is he a bad coach? And being a players coach doesn't mean anything either. Barry was a players coach and he won the Super Bowl for god sakes. Now I am not saying that Barry was good for the boys but the ultimate goal is to win a Super Bowl right? Well like it or not he won it. My point is that you can find examples of both styles being successful . We don't know what goes on during games because the camera isn't on the sideline at all times. So Wade doesn't scream big deal. Maybe he leave that to another coach who does do that. Campo maybe? I don't know everything but I do know that Wade has been in this game a long time and you don't hang around that long being a bad coach.


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Dave_in-NC;2313101 said:
Tom coached one team. There is a reason for that. Wade has been with five teams, all the same results. I'm starting to believe it's just in his cards.
I wanted him here, I was hoping he learned. Even jones took a lesson from Parcells.

Wade was a HC of 5 different teams and in some of those cases was named interim coach on some bad teams after the HC was fired during the season and under Wade many of those teams improved, hell some were lucky to make the post season.

Taking an avg team to the playoffs is an accomplishment in and of itself. That great buffalo team was a team that was pretty stripped down from the previous 4 time sb teams and the talent was gone and the rebuilding was taking place and in Buffalo he did not lose the job because of how he coached the team he was fired for not dismissing an assistant coach.

Let me just say I believe anytime you hire a HC you do so with the mindset of giving him the chance to get the job done and for me I’ll give Wade a fair chance without beating him up week after week especially when I see we are 4-1 currently on the season.


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Very good points about the previous HC!

I just wish, like most of us that our team would return to glory


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Doomsday101;2313144 said:
Wade was a HC of 5 different teams and in some of those cases was named interim coach on some bad teams after the HC was fired during the season and under Wade many of those teams improved, hell some were lucky to make the post season.

Taking an avg team to the playoffs is an accomplishment in and of itself. That great buffalo team was a team that was pretty stripped down from the previous 4 time sb teams and the talent was gone and the rebuilding was taking place and in Buffalo he did not lose the job because of how he coached the team he was fired for not dismissing an assistant coach.
Let me just say I believe anytime you hire a HC you do so with the mindset of giving him the chance to get the job done and for me I’ll give Wade a fair chance without beating him up week after week especially when I see we are 4-1 currently on the season.

And yet he was handed the best team he has ever had. Only to coach them to the same result he always has.


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Dave_in-NC;2313639 said:
And yet he was handed the best team he has ever had. Only to coach them to the same result he always has.

I agree this is the best team he has had and how many years has he been with us? Oh yeah 1, come on any sense of fairness would say this is messed up the way some go after Wade. I don't care who the HC would have been to expect SB the 1st season when many around here predicted 8-8 last year? Sorry I don't see where some around here are being fair what so ever. I would hope who ever does takes Wades job one day will get more than 1 lousy year to prove himself. That alone tells me it is not about the job Wade is doing it tells me they did not get the coach they wanted to begin with so Wade will never accomplish anything in their eyes no matter if we win a SB they will just give credit to others. Some of our fans make me sick


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I would have been ok with a play off win. This team was unprepared for that game last season. That is the fault of the HC no matter who he is and how long he has been here.

if this team is unprepared again this Dec do we say it was only year two?


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Dave_in-NC;2313816 said:
I would have been ok with a play off win. This team was unprepared for that game last season. That is the fault of the HC no matter who he is and how long he has been here.

if this team is unprepared again this Dec do we say it was only year two?

I will agree blame was to be shared with all players and coaches. Everyone shared in it including Wade. As for this year we will see but I'm not throwing Wade or any HC under a bus after 1 year. This is not a love affair I have with Wade it is more about the respect for the position of HC and giving him or any man a real oppertuinty instead of all this BS that is posted around here.