It's a SHAME but Changes are coming again...


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I guess we can't have it all huh guys, we've got a lot of talent , just not on the coaching staff, lets's face it, Brian Stewart, Special Teams coach, wade, you think they will be here next year??? really it's a shame because with this much TALENT on your team, they should make their job that much easier....that shows you where we are at in coaching....I said it before, "Heads are gonna Roll" you just watch....


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landryscorner;2297835 said:
I guess we can't have it all huh guys, we've got a lot of talent , just not on the coaching staff, lets's face it, Brian Stewart, Special Teams coach, wade, you think they will be here next year??? really it's a shame because with this much TALENT on your team, they should make their job that much easier....that shows you where we are at in coaching....I said it before, "Heads are gonna Roll" you just watch....

One can only hope.
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landryscorner;2297835 said:
I guess we can't have it all huh guys, we've got a lot of talent , just not on the coaching staff, lets's face it, Brian Stewart, Special Teams coach, wade, you think they will be here next year??? really it's a shame because with this much TALENT on your team, they should make their job that much easier....that shows you where we are at in coaching....I said it before, "Heads are gonna Roll" you just watch....

I think this thread is silly! Did you watch the game and understand what is going on? Don't want to be a jerk but this thread is useless. They loss one game and the sky is falling. Yes, the gameplanning was bad but they are 3-1 and have many more games to play. Wade went 13-3 last year and is 3-1 thus far. That is 16-4 in two years.


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I would be ok with an in-season firing of Wade.

I dont like Cowher... but would take him right now(I cant believe I just admitted that)
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"So called talent" only carries you so far, Dallas doesn't have the leadership or heart to win a championship.


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ThreeSportStar80;2297980 said:
"So called talent" only carries you so far, Dallas doesn't have the leadership or heart to win a championship.

What I find odd about all this is that (T)eam (O)bliviator is only one of the very few guys on the team that has just THAT. Numerous times I've seen him on the sidelines trying to fire up guys, but his teammates don't respond.


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YoMick;2297975 said:

I would be ok with an in-season firing of Wade.

I dont like Cowher... but would take him right now(I cant believe I just admitted that)

I actually was hoping BP would stick around just long enough for Cowher to decide he was ready to coach again and Jerry go and get him. I'm a big fan of Cowher cause he gets the most out of the talent he has and that was with a Steelers team that was TIGHT with their money. I can only imagine how much better he'd do with an owner like Jerry who would get him the best players he could.


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I dont think cowher would ever work for jerry. I certainly wouldnt want to.

Jerry is an enabler to the players. He is one of the reasons this team babies its players. He is one of the guys that is never willing to call out a bad player. He talks unproven players up for no reason and he brings a ton of unwanted attention to a team already under a microscope, all in the name of visibility....i.e. money.

I dont think we would ever have to worry about cowher coming here and I dont think Jerry is ready to give out the kind of money it takes to get cowher, I dont believe he wants to pay a coach the kind of money he payed parcells ever again.


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BraveHeartFan;2298093 said:
I actually was hoping BP would stick around just long enough for Cowher to decide he was ready to coach again and Jerry go and get him. I'm a big fan of Cowher cause he gets the most out of the talent he has and that was with a Steelers team that was TIGHT with their money. I can only imagine how much better he'd do with an owner like Jerry who would get him the best players he could.

I aint big on Cowher. Without the ref's he is winless in what 3 or 4 AFC title games and loses both SB's.

But I digress. I want him no nonsense attitude here.

theebs;2298110 said:
I dont think cowher would ever work for jerry. I certainly wouldnt want to.

I dont think we would ever have to worry about cowher coming here and I dont think Jerry is ready to give out the kind of money it takes to get cowher, I dont believe he wants to pay a coach the kind of money he payed parcells ever again.

"You know Theebs you surprise me.... if anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it's that we can hire anyone" (BP, TO)

Also I disagree on paying a coach. He got a good return on his BP investment.


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YoMick;2298129 said:
I aint big on Cowher. Without the ref's he is winless in what 3 or 4 AFC title games and loses both SB's.

But I digress. I want him no nonsense attitude here.

Cowher II = Gibbs II

Cowher will be stubbornly stuck in his line'em up, smash'em in the mouth type of football as he'll be WELL behind the current schemes in today's game.


Junior College Transfer
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Pick6TerenceNewman;2297882 said:
Wade went 13-3 last year and is 3-1 thus far. That is 16-4 in two years.

Thanks. I feel so much better now.

But, seriously, grasp the situation. Great defensive athletes, seemingly being pushed around in all phases, offensive and defensive. This was a team in disarray. In retreat. The D was sucking wind and being bullied. The coaches seemed dazed.

Wade needs to do something quick.


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YoMick;2298129 said:
I aint big on Cowher. Without the ref's he is winless in what 3 or 4 AFC title games and loses both SB's.

But I digress. I want him no nonsense attitude here.

"You know Theebs you surprise me.... if anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it's that we can hire anyone" (BP, TO)

Also I disagree on paying a coach. He got a good return on his BP investment.

I dont think he would ever pay a coach like that again because parcells didnt win in the postseason. And yes, parcells accomplished a ton here. I have no interest in that coversation right now but parcells was a success to me.


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Boysboy;2298137 said:
Cowher II = Gibbs II

Cowher will be stubbornly stuck in his line'em up, smash'em in the mouth type of football as he'll be WELL behind the current schemes in today's game.

There could be some truth to that. I dont know. Cowher wouldnt have these guys "expecting to win".... he would be "demanding them to win"... there is a difference.

theebs;2298149 said:
I dont think he would ever pay a coach like that again because parcells didnt win in the postseason. And yes, parcells accomplished a ton here. I have no interest in that coversation right now but parcells was a success to me.

Well we will continue to disagree on this one. :D
Jerry is no dummy. He has a quality product on the field now. He could not say that pre-Parcells.

If Jerry thinks that a Cowher-type will finish the job. He will pay him. That is how Jerry thinks.


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YoMick;2297975 said:

I would be ok with an in-season firing of Wade.

I dont like Cowher... but would take him right now(I cant believe I just admitted that)

If Wade is fired midseason, Garrett will most definitely take over. They won't be bringing anyone in from outside the organization. Besides, that would probably do more harm that good.


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What would be the point in firing Wade? It would change nothing. The players would still come out and play like **** whenever they didn't feel like playing anything else. Nope, the time to make meaningful change is over.


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Asklesko;2298186 said:
What would be the point in firing Wade? It would change nothing. The players would still come out and play like **** whenever they didn't feel like playing anything else. Nope, the time to make meaningful change is over.

That's what I've been saying all along too.


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Pick6TerenceNewman;2297882 said:
I think this thread is silly! Did you watch the game and understand what is going on? Don't want to be a jerk but this thread is useless. They loss one game and the sky is falling. Yes, the gameplanning was bad but they are 3-1 and have many more games to play. Wade went 13-3 last year and is 3-1 thus far. That is 16-4 in two years.

I'm not saying behead the coach after 1 game, no. Yes he is getting great regular season results but we are very nonchalant coming into games, during games until we have a team giving us the gears. I don't think this is a silly post and Wade does need to get this team playing with anger, aggression, hunger. They act like they have nothing to play for.

The last game against the skin in Texas Stadium and he couldn't get them to feed off of that at least? Man Romo in an interview before the game on when asked about the importance said he never even thought about it. Wow! Wade at halftime told the reporter that a halftime motivational speech from him wasn't going to change the game. He said the players needed to motivate themselves. Wow!

Defensively The problem is our corners are not challenging WR's enough. That's how Wade and Stewart have our secondary playing. The front 7 there are no complaints cause we are darn aggressive there. But this is on Wade and Stewart, it's their responsibility. We are letting opponents convert on 3rd down way to easily by not challgening balls in the air. With all that pressure, try to get the QB to hold onto the ball a little longer. Put a safety over top and jump some routes. Change it up, adjust. No Wade wants to continue with the vanilla secondary play when we have dynamic talent back there and he rarely pressures WR's. In a big game when you need to close your opponent out or need a stop so you can get the ball back and drive to win, you can't play like that and that's why Wade can never win the big games unless his offenses score near 40 points. That needs to be addressed. The sky is not falling, it is our ownly glaring weakness'. Lack of motivation, poor tackling and soft vanilla coverage. This is now his 2nd year doing this, adjust. If he can't then yes, we need change.


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Asklesko;2298186 said:
What would be the point in firing Wade? It would change nothing. The players would still come out and play like **** whenever they didn't feel like playing anything else. Nope, the time to make meaningful change is over.

Firing Wade right now would be a horrible decision. The right thing to do though is question the approach which is what our fans and the media are doing. I'll tell you one thing though, the players are playing flat because they aren't motivated and that is Wades job to motivate. Whether he wants to accept that before a game, during a game, at half time or after the game. One of Wades greatest responsibilities all season is to motivate. No motivation, no long season.


if you ain't first, you're last
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thewivil;2298173 said:
If Wade is fired midseason, Garrett will most definitely take over. They won't be bringing anyone in from outside the organization. Besides, that would probably do more harm that good.
The Cowboys lose 1 Game by 2 points and we're calling for Wade to be Fired midseason?. Ain't gonna happen. We're starting to sound like Eagle fans!.


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landryscorner;2297835 said:
I guess we can't have it all huh guys, we've got a lot of talent , just not on the coaching staff, lets's face it, Brian Stewart, Special Teams coach, wade, you think they will be here next year??? really it's a shame because with this much TALENT on your team, they should make their job that much easier....that shows you where we are at in coaching....I said it before, "Heads are gonna Roll" you just watch....
I'll drive Stewart to the train station if he needs a lift. :p:

For the same reason I think Marvin Lewis is in trouble, our coaches should start looking over their shoulder. Just can't have the level of talent the Cowboys have, and Bengals to a lesser extent, and not see significant results. When there is epic failure (Bengals) one must look towards the horizon to see who else could do better.

Admittedly, we aren't at the epic failure stage but I've heard from everyone that Wade is supposed to be a defensive genius. I am just not seeing it. I love the jolly fella and think he is a great guy who truly cares about his players, but we need some serious coaching upgrades. If Wade stays, which I wouldn't mind, all of his assistants need to be superstars. Stewart isn't.

I also do not think Garrett is the offensive genius everyone makes him out to be. I'd like to see how he would do without a superhuman players like TO outrunning everybody. Some of the plays the Patriots ran last year have never seen the light of day in our offensive playbook. Their offense played at a higher caliber than we did.

There was one Patriots game where my mouth dropped open I was so amazed at the tactical genius of the routes they were running. Their trick plays were even better. I was yelling at the screen, "Why can't we do *bleep* like that?!" It was like they had the Maserati playbook and we were working with Lexus. Both great in their own right but the Maserati takes it to a whole 'nother level.

Our players have been ready for that next step. Just waiting for Garrett, Stewart, et al. to bring it.