It's last offseason all over again

They signed Thomas who is worse than Golston.

They signed Williams, which is apparently because they won't pay Dowdle. He's worse than Dowdle.

Not exactly sure how these guys relieve pressure on the draft. They do no such thing. If anything, they put more pressure on the reality they need a front line starter at RB now and better DL play.

It's JAG-a-palooza all over again. Yeah it's hopeless. They are doing the same thing they've done for a decade now and it's failed every single year.
It failed when the existing roster was much better than it is now, and the division was worse, and before a severe injury to the QB which could easily linger.

That adds up to 4-6 wins. Let’s see Jerry say he is shocked to not be in the SB ten months from now.
I think the Joneses are messing with us. They're mocking us. In the past they did nothing the first months or so of free agency. This year they are making a lot of early moves, but for the same players they used to sign in June. This is them being "selectively aggressive", which means doing the same thing only sooner.
I think you’re exactly right, but you know enough to know they aren’t purposely messing with us.

They just truly have themselves convinced that their way is the right way and teams like Philly are stupid.
Last year there was already too many of us watching games , hoping they would win. But not caring if they lost. That's a bad look for the Jones family. This season you might be afraid to look at the car crash, given the schedule. What's left? Getting our prime time games reduced? More beat downs at Jerry World? How much pointing and laughing does it take for the Jones' to change the way they operate? Signing the same level of players weeks earlier isn't being selectively aggressive. It's selectively insulting. Selectively trolling. Selectively ******** on your fan base.

If there really is a plan, can we execute it now please, Jerry?
I really, really hope it's VERY noticeable TO JERRY that the fan base is tired of this crap.
Sorry to tell you I think he does notice. And he might even care. Only maybe he sees it the way a father hears his baby crying in the crib 5 minutes after its been fed, changed and bathed. And father knows best.
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