Call it overreaction if you want, but the OL looked awful. Has nothing to do with gameplanning or vanilla schemes. Line up and hit your guy in the mouth. They didn't do that.

Now it would be one thing if it was just the first team OL, but it was the seconds and thirds doing it too. Makes me wonder about the Sparano hire.
Qwickdraw said:
I can't believe how negative everyone is over THE FIRST freaking Preseason game.

New England lost 3 of their 4 Preseason games last year.
One of them was 31 to 0 against Jacksonville.
Another was 31 to 3 against Cincinatti.
And yet they won the freaking Super Bowl.

Chill out.

I doubt in either of those games did Tom Brady look as inept as Drew Bledsoe, and I doubt that they only managed 1 first down and 17 net yds in 5 series

nobody cares that we lost (especially me) but the horrendous OL play and zero pass rush whatsoever are real concerns

MichaelWinicki said:
The bastid refuses to check down... just refuses to.

If he can't throw at least a 15 yard pass he isn't letting go of the f'ing ball.
Mike, refusing to check down is what it LOOKED like to me too.

Being under such duress qualifies it tho. A lot.

That darn line better get fixed, so at least Bledsoe can be evaluated for what he is, not what they aren't. Drew's gotten over too long on others' ineptness.

But then again, his ball patting, pocket stiffness (let's throw out the word mobility completely out of the simply doesn't exist), and refusal to go thru the progression.. hardly aids a line.
LaTunaNostra said:
Mike, refusing to check down is what it LOOKED like to me too.

Being under such duress qualifies it tho. A lot.

That darn line better get fixed, so at least Bledsoe can be evaluated for what he is, not what they aren't. Drew's gotten over too long on others' ineptness.

But then again, his ball patting, pocket stiffness (let's throw out the word mobility completely out of the simply doesn't exist), and refusal to go thru the progression.. hardly aids a line.

The line sucked except for Larry Allen-- just reaked but if the line can't be fixed--- quickly, then Bledoe's strengths will be mininalized and his weaknesses greatly expanded to the effect of a season than doesn't even meet my meager expectations.
I'm sorry to attack... but it just sickens me to wake up and see 6-7 threads absolutely destryoying our performance last night. I do agree with you. I was all over the O-line during the game. What amuses me is that after week two last year I saw threads like this: "Vinny Testaverde to the Pro-Bowl?"

It's all good. We are all just passonite about the Cowboys!
Cbz40 said: this point in time I give you permission to step on your soapbox and say "I told you so".

Mr Bledsoe lived up to your billing. ;)


No, CBZ I won't do that. I'm hoping the guy gets his act together shortly or our season won't be as a happy as many had predicated.
Vman said:
Yeah, I think this has alot to do with it. I also think the press reports that we've been reading for the last two weeks didn't help. basically had the reader believe that Ware was unstoppable.

Bledsoe was sharp (and mobile).

JJ was the next Walter Payton.

Canty was Too Tall Jones - reborn.

Rogers had shored up the OL.

We should've known it was too good to believe for just two weeks.

I suppose coming off a 6-10 record we should just expect to see improvement from week-to-week.

Bahaha I never buy into the hype or doom from the media I try to temper any thing they say with it being somewhere in between.
Cbz40 said: this point in time I give you permission to step on your soapbox and say "I told you so".

Mr Bledsoe lived up to your billing. ;)

Wait you can not leave me out of the I told you so group with Bledsoe:nana:; I been hammered for that view and the Eddie George fiasco of last year (dang you mike stop agreeing with me ;))
MichaelWinicki said:

No, CBZ I won't do that. I'm hoping the guy gets his act together shortly or our season won't be as a happy as many had predicated.
I'm just thinking out loud here...didn't even see the game, but I wonder if gurode made good line calls and early enough...was the line just as bad when al was in there?
MichaelWinicki said:
But that horror show last night was the same thing that's been playing the last 2 1/2 years.
It's been longer than that buddy. :banghead:
Qwickdraw said:
I can't believe how negative everyone is over THE FIRST freaking Preseason game.
I'm not overly concerned. Now if they play that poorly in 2 weeks I will be a little more worried.
I am a firm believer that, no matter how many scrimmages you have or how many practices you have, you cannot gain experience and develop like you can in real game situations. What worries me about the O-line is, considering the amount of time that the starting O will play in preseason games, they only have about 4 quarters to get it right, before the real show begins. If you think about it that way, it seems awful scary.
wayne_motley said:
I'm just thinking out loud here...didn't even see the game, but I wonder if gurode made good line calls and early enough...was the line just as bad when al was in there?
Wayne, at one point sic Russell Davis was looking to me like Ted Washington in his prime.

The Cards have what looks to be a very good interior duo in Dockett and Davis...and the two ends are of course, primo. There was consistent pressure, all along their D line.

No, Al didn't really acquit himself any better than Dre did, imo, when it came to being blown off the line. Tho he does have a better sense of which way to pull and when NOT to hold.
jdub2k4 said:
I am a firm believer that, no matter how many scrimmages you have or how many practices you have, you cannot gain experience and develop like you can in real game situations. What worries me about the O-line is, considering the amount of time that the starting O will play in preseason games, they only have about 4 quarters to get it right, before the real show begins. If you think about it that way, it seems awful scary.

Finally! Thank you, jdub. The offensive line can be shuffled and reshuffled again. Yes, right tackle is a concern, to say the least. But this line will need time together in game conditions to have any shot at getting it together, for the most part.

Will we have that opportunity? Can't say right now, though Jacob Rogers seems to comes down with more boo-boos than your run-of-the-mill six year-old their first time at summer camp. I mention him because he was running with the first team this time last week.

I'm certainly willing to take it easy this morning. Like many of you, I didn't especially like what I saw out of the OL last night. For a lot of us, some red flags are there now that were not present before kickoff yesterday. But there was a lot of this sort of thing around the league the first go-round of preseason games.

It's so important though for the Dallas Cowboys to get their house in order in terms of offensive line play. Because if they do not, we will learn more about Tony Romo, Marion Barber, and Tyson Thompson that I think we really want to during the course of the regular season.
I don't care who your QB is- the way the O line looked most of the game, and especially early, no QB is going to look good.
burmafrd said:
I don't care who your QB is- the way the O line looked most of the game, and especially early, no QB is going to look good.

Now that's interesting.

Romo and Henson looked pretty good.
Preseason it is, but some &^%# does translate to the regular season. I'm thinking about Bledsore's qb play, the O-line, and, if last year is an indication, the penalties.
Alexander said:
I am not upset we lost.

Rarely do you play a preseason game with intentions other than evaluation. There is no gameplanning etc.

But when you look poor on some of the things you spent time and money on in the offseason, it is perfectly fine to be disappointed.

We "look" better in the secondary, but last night was proof that when you don't pressure the QB, you get beaten. That was the most upsetting part about the defense. We did not generate pressure. Warner had all day to throw.

And do not get me started on Bledsoe. That was such a typical performance from him that it sickened me.

you are making soooo much sense today !

A voice of reason in a forest of ________
big dog cowboy said:
I'm not overly concerned. Now if they play that poorly in 2 weeks I will be a little more worried.

I wonder what will happen in two weeks if Bledsoe keeps it up.


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