Its sad.....


Well-Known Member
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this may be one of the best records we have ever had by the end of the year.We have a great shot at getting to the SB.The sad part comes in when u look across the sidelines in Arizona if we make it and u see Belicheat grinning.Why does NE have to be so unbeatable this year?:banghead:


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juckie;1780489 said:
this may be one of the best records we have ever had by the end of the year.We have a great shot at getting to the SB.The sad part comes in when u look across the sidelines in Arizona if we make it and u see Belicheat grinning.Why does NE have to be so unbeatable this year?:banghead:

Go Packers!



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juckie;1780489 said:
this may be one of the best records we have ever had by the end of the year.We have a great shot at getting to the SB.The sad part comes in when u look across the sidelines in Arizona if we make it and u see Belicheat grinning.Why does NE have to be so unbeatable this year?:banghead:

They are not unbeatable as you will see when we play them again in Feb. :starspin


Sleeps with the fishes
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Bigger upsets have happened then a potential Dallas beating the Pats in the Super Bowl. Still a ways to go to get there, but we could beat them. We may have learned a few things from that game.


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juckie;1780489 said:
this may be one of the best records we have ever had by the end of the year.We have a great shot at getting to the SB.The sad part comes in when u look across the sidelines in Arizona if we make it and u see Belicheat grinning.Why does NE have to be so unbeatable this year?:banghead:

They are "unbeatable" for the same reasons the Celts were in the 60s and the Yanks have almost always been. Commitment to winning by ownership on down. We have the same opportunity. Doesnt hurt they have maybe the best QB in history when all is said and done.

But, they can be beat. It may take an off game, T/Os, injury, whatever. Its coming. We are certainly talented enough on the right day.


one man wolf pack
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1992 everyone thought that the 49ers were going to kill us in the NFC championship game. who won? eh ehh get what saying ehh

CNY Cowboy

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I still say that The Pats will not be in the S.B.
Don't know why I feel this way, but something will derail them.
Call it Karma.

spygate will bite them in the ***


All Star
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If there is any justice in this universe, they will get what they deserve. I believe the Cowboys can beat them.

Chuck 54

Well-Known Member
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If we even get to the SB that will be a huge unbelievable and exciting event considering where we've been for the past 10 years.

We're having a great season, but right now I just want to win a freakin' playoff game...everything after that is just gravy imo.


Reaction score
juckie;1780489 said:
this may be one of the best records we have ever had by the end of the year.We have a great shot at getting to the SB.The sad part comes in when u look across the sidelines in Arizona if we make it and u see Belicheat grinning.Why does NE have to be so unbeatable this year?:banghead:

You're not a fan of some "other" franchise.
You're a Cowboys fan, act accordingly.

We're not interested in winning a SB in some down year (I'm looking at you 2005 steelers). We have higher standards. We want true Champions.
We want a Championship Team that will be compared to other great teams.
Not one that will be lost to history (I'm looking at you 2002 Tampa Bay).

A real Cowboy fans embraces this challenge.
We want to face an 18-0 Patriot team in the SuperBowl.
We want the greatest glory possible.
What could be greater than 17-1 Cowboys vs 18-0 Patriots?

Taking out the previously undefeated Patriots will be the greatest victory in Cowboy history.

Big Dakota

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juckie;1780489 said:
this may be one of the best records we have ever had by the end of the year.We have a great shot at getting to the SB.The sad part comes in when u look across the sidelines in Arizona if we make it and u see Belicheat grinning.Why does NE have to be so unbeatable this year?:banghead:

<Douglas MacArthur:
There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity.​

Winston Churchill:
The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty​



Well-Known Member
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sonnyboy;1780538 said:
You're not a fan of some "other" franchise.
You're a Cowboys fan, act accordingly.

We're not interested in winning a SB in some down year (I'm looking at you 2005 steelers). We have higher standards. We want true Champions.
We want a Championship Team that will be compared to other great teams.
Not one that will be lost to history (I'm looking at you 2002 Tampa Bay).

A real Cowboy fans embraces this challenge.
We want to face an 18-0 Patriot team in the SuperBowl.
We want the greatest glory possible.
What could be greater than 17-1 Cowboys vs 18-0 Patriots?

Taking out the previously undefeated Patriots will be the greatest victory in Cowboy history.

Forget Cowboys history, that would be one of, if not THE greatest victory in all of sports history.


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parcells316;1780511 said:
Bigger upsets have happened then a potential Dallas beating the Pats in the Super Bowl. Still a ways to go to get there, but we could beat them. We may have learned a few things from that game.

True. How about the Pats beating the Rams in '01. Who saw that coming? St. Louis was amazing that year and the Pats got lucky and limped into the Super Bowl. With that being said, NE clearly out played/coached St. Louis all the way to their first SB title.


Active Member
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NextGenBoys;1780621 said:
True. How about the Pats beating the Rams in '01. Who saw that coming? St. Louis was amazing that year and the Pats got lucky and limped into the Super Bowl. With that being said, NE clearly out played/coached St. Louis all the way to their first SB title.

I think quite a few. I for one, in my life, made a bet on Game. And that was the game I bet that NE would win against St. Lious.

So comparison there is not valid. Pats had a real good Defense then, but not a great offense. Cowboys this year, have Great Offense, but so Does NE a notch above Cowboys.

But Defense wise, I think Cowboys are little bit below NE. I think thats only because of the pressue their Offense puts on opposing Offense/Defense.


Well-Known Member
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sonnyboy;1780538 said:
You're not a fan of some "other" franchise.
You're a Cowboys fan, act accordingly.

We're not interested in winning a SB in some down year (I'm looking at you 2005 steelers). We have higher standards. We want true Champions.
We want a Championship Team that will be compared to other great teams.
Not one that will be lost to history (I'm looking at you 2002 Tampa Bay).

A real Cowboy fans embraces this challenge.
We want to face an 18-0 Patriot team in the SuperBowl.
We want the greatest glory possible.
What could be greater than 17-1 Cowboys vs 18-0 Patriots?

Taking out the previously undefeated Patriots will be the greatest victory in Cowboy history.

I want the rematch, and hopefully both teams are at full strength.


Reaction score
I too think we may be maybe the only team that can take out this Pats Runaway freight train. When you get past the jealousy/hate Factor, The Pats are scoring at will all game and especially early.

I think we may have a chance to beat Brady and Pats but what concerns me is basically we could not touch Brady enough. Line just walls and Brady gets it out. They have all the weapons to expose our secondary.

I think we have a chance in rematch, buts odds are Pats will win that game more than we will. Romo also needs to prove he can get er done in spotlight of playoffs and a Super Bowl.

Ware, Ellis, Spencer, Rat, Tank, Canty will need to disrupt Brady. Or its a long night.


Well-Known Member
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Hell, the Pats beating our *** is probably the best thing that could have happened to us. Gave us a little taste of what it takes to be the best, while still showing our team that they CAN be beaten.


Mick Green 58
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Nors;1780666 said:
I too think we may be maybe the only team that can take out this Pats Runaway freight train. When you get past the jealousy/hate Factor, The Pats are scoring at will all game and especially early.

I think we may have a chance to beat Brady and Pats but what concerns me is basically we could not touch Brady enough. Line just walls and Brady gets it out. They have all the weapons to expose our secondary.

I think we have a chance in rematch, buts odds are Pats will win that game more than we will. Romo also needs to prove he can get er done in spotlight of playoffs and a Super Bowl.

Ware, Ellis, Spencer, Rat, Tank, Canty will need to disrupt Brady. Or its a long night.

I actually agree with Nors here.

I would love to get to the Super Bowl and win but sometimes that is not in the cards.


New Member
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sonnyboy;1780538 said:
You're not a fan of some "other" franchise.
You're a Cowboys fan, act accordingly.

We're not interested in winning a SB in some down year (I'm looking at you 2005 steelers). We have higher standards. We want true Champions.
We want a Championship Team that will be compared to other great teams.
Not one that will be lost to history (I'm looking at you 2002 Tampa Bay).

A real Cowboy fans embraces this challenge.
We want to face an 18-0 Patriot team in the SuperBowl.
We want the greatest glory possible.
What could be greater than 17-1 Cowboys vs 18-0 Patriots?

Taking out the previously undefeated Patriots will be the greatest victory in Cowboy history.

You just cant say it any better then that:bow: :bow: :bow: