Its sad.....


The Sarcastic One
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IF the Patriots make it, we are not only going to beat them, but we will run up the score on them.

We are gonna be EVERYONE'S favorite team should that happen. Imagine all of the other fans from around the league that had the Patriots run up the score on them. You know dang well that other teams fans would be screaming for us to score again and again even if up by 50 points.

THAT is what I call Karma kicking them in their ___(fill in the blank).


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on top of that they will have missed a few critical field goals because the patriots never gave their kicker enough reps having run up the score too much.


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Nors;1780666 said:
I too think we may be maybe the only team that can take out this Pats Runaway freight train. When you get past the jealousy/hate Factor, The Pats are scoring at will all game and especially early.

I think we may have a chance to beat Brady and Pats but what concerns me is basically we could not touch Brady enough. Line just walls and Brady gets it out. They have all the weapons to expose our secondary.

I think we have a chance in rematch, buts odds are Pats will win that game more than we will. Romo also needs to prove he can get er done in spotlight of playoffs and a Super Bowl.

Ware, Ellis, Spencer, Rat, Tank, Canty will need to disrupt Brady. Or its a long night.

Wait a minute. Aren't you more of a Pats fan than a Cowboys fan?
Are you having one of your "Eve" moments here?:D


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I think only way to beat them is to keep up with them offensively. If we have TG back and playing well, I think we can keep up with them.


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I must agree if we would get there and play NE and pull it off it would be the greatest cowboy victory of my 34 years alive.


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parcells316;1780511 said:
Bigger upsets have happened then a potential Dallas beating the Pats in the Super Bowl. Still a ways to go to get there, but we could beat them. We may have learned a few things from that game.


It would be TWO potent Offensive Powerhouses, Juggernauts.... its not like the little guy vs the big guy... we can play them

Shorten up the game a little and match them score for score +3... make sure we have the lead and the ball last - TADA! :D

That +3 is payback :laugh2:


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juckie;1780489 said:
this may be one of the best records we have ever had by the end of the year.We have a great shot at getting to the SB.The sad part comes in when u look across the sidelines in Arizona if we make it and u see Belicheat grinning.Why does NE have to be so unbeatable this year?:banghead:

If that is our fate then so be it. Nothing is written stone. If we face that team again we will play our best and win. If we should loose, we shall do so with honor. Something the Patriots know nothing about.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Zman5;1780738 said:
I think only way to beat them is to keep up with them offensively. If we have TG back and playing well, I think we can keep up with them.

And you know Terry would love nothing more than to come back and stick it up Belichick's ying-yang in the big game.


Mr. Wright
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More people looking down the road.

I don't mind looking ahead but the SUperbowl is 6 regular season games and at least 2 post-season games away.

ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING can happen.

You can make an arguemnt all the top contenders are 1 injury away.

Until then its all up in the air.


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Undisputed;1780671 said:
Hell, the Pats beating our *** is probably the best thing that could have happened to us. Gave us a little taste of what it takes to be the best, while still showing our team that they CAN be beaten.

I feel the same way.
Not sure I'd give us nearly as good a chance not having faced them.

All 53 players and the staff know precisely what we'd be facing.

There is no doubt we are the best equiped team to take them out.

Have they demonstrated over 10 weeks to be a better team on both sides of the ball...absolutely.

Doesnt mean they'll be better Feb 3 2008.

We dont even need to be as "good " as them, we just need to be as effective.

Here's a senario.
3 quarters played and Pats lead 28-24 and we have the ball.
To everyone whose watched, the Pats are clearly better.
They've scored easier with few plays and fewer 3rd down conversions.
As for us, we've had to grind it out, Romo been standing on his head all day making something out of nothing over and over. We've had to execute more plays, more 3rd downs and even a couple of clutch 4th down conversions.

If we could pull this off, we might just have an advantage in the 4thQ.
Their one achillies heal is thier age. Thier a little old on D. Especially the front 7. We're younger and a little deeper. We rotate more guys in and out.
We might just be a little fresher in the 4th. 25yr old Ware might have just a little more pep in his step, than the 30yr old Thomas. The Pat D might just be a little too winded from chasing Romo all day.

And another thing. As an 18-0 team, the pressure on them will be immense. If we're still hanging around in the 4th it might be too much for them.


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I don't know if we can beat the Patriots if we play them in Arizona in February. But I do know that our guys won't be scared of them.

Any Given Sunday. It can happen.

What DOES slightly upset me, though, is that if Tom Brady wasn't having the year he's having, Tony Romo would probably be the front-runner for MVP.


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wayne motley;1780533 said:
If we even get to the SB that will be a huge unbelievable and exciting event considering where we've been for the past 10 years.

We're having a great season, but right now I just want to win a freakin' playoff game...everything after that is just gravy imo.

Same here. I also remember when Namath and the Jets had no chance to even be on the same field with the Baltimore Colts in the SB.


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Nav22;1781000 said:
I don't know if we can beat the Patriots if we play them in Arizona in February. But I do know that our guys won't be scared of them.

Any Given Sunday. It can happen.

What DOES slightly upset me, though, is that if Tom Brady wasn't having the year he's having, Tony Romo would probably be the front-runner for MVP.

Crazy, that a guy on pace for 46 TDs would be overshadowed by anyone for the MVP award. Maybe if he gets super hot and breaks 50 they'd give Romo co-MVP. :D

And ya, we don't have to be as good as the Patriots come February. We just have be good enough to beat them on one Sunday. Like they said in that movie the Little Giants, "Even if those Cowboys are better than you...even if they beat you 99/100...That still leaves.......ONE TIME!"


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sonnyboy;1780538 said:
You're not a fan of some "other" franchise.
You're a Cowboys fan, act accordingly.

We're not interested in winning a SB in some down year (I'm looking at you 2005 steelers). We have higher standards. We want true Champions.
We want a Championship Team that will be compared to other great teams.
Not one that will be lost to history (I'm looking at you 2002 Tampa Bay).

A real Cowboy fans embraces this challenge.
We want to face an 18-0 Patriot team in the SuperBowl.
We want the greatest glory possible.
What could be greater than 17-1 Cowboys vs 18-0 Patriots?

Taking out the previously undefeated Patriots will be the greatest victory in Cowboy history.
EXACTLY...we want them 18 - 0. We had just come off an emotional game against the Bills...I thought we were exhausted in every way possible. They are beatable...just look how the Colts played them...I think in the 4th quarter the Pats had 10 points total. So they had been shut down and they were on the ropes. We are going to have to get Terry Glenn back though. They are too talented and too good in the coaching staff to let TO beat them. Someone else on offense is going to have to emerge


just trying to get better
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There is a lot of age on that Patriots team.

It's a long season and the Patriots are fighting each week to remain unbeaten.

There is a decent chance that they'll wear down by February ....