It's so nice listening to local Commander radio

RomoIsBack;1667016 said:
now i am listen in to espn dallas they praise us i luv it

When this team plays well we get the respect. I don't expect ESPN or any other media outlet to show us respect when we have played poorly. I don't put much in the ideal that it is Cowboy hatred
SteveOS;1666536 said:

Super Bowl bound after a 2-0 start, now they are all jumping off the bandwagon.

That is all...

I couldn't agree more! I have been listening since 7am and am loving every minute of it.

Doc Walker is the only one that has mentioned how impressive Dallas looked last night and so far this season and that lasted all of 30 seconds. It is killing them that Dallas is undefeated.
Wait until Brian Mitchell comes up at 1. He's isn't shy about bashing the skins. I'm sure is ready to fire off today. I'm listening now it's sweet. Everyone 's getting thrown under the bus.
WV Cowboy;1666632 said:
My brother lives near D.C., and he tells me this all of the time.

He thinks it is hilarious, and they do it all of the time.

It happens every year.

I do think their QB is doing pretty good.

are you serious, are we talking about JC? He is not that good at all, decent and average at best. Did you guys catch the end of the game on ESPN or anything?

Joe Gibbs didn't trust this "pretty good" QB you speak of to give him one out of the four chances they had at the goal line and ran it every time and didn't get it.

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