Doomsday101;4450732 said:
who said they were in business to do what is best for the US, they are in business to make money like any other company but it does not change the fact that all that stand in the way is the go ahead and permits to do the job.
Oil is the solution now until something else becomes more practical. Fact is wind is a losing proposition when you factor in the only way they can even make money is by being subsidized it is not self sufficient same with Solar these companies can even stay afloat unless the tax payers keep them above water. Nuclear I agree is something we need to continue and allow the building of new plants.
All of these different sources are worth investing in but the world does not stop turning. We can continue to export or we can drill where there are some of the world’s largest deposits right here in the US.
Again my main point about oil is that if we opened even more areas, that oil that is taken might get refined in the US but the majority of it is sold off overseas and not kept in the USA so it does not help us. Most people think that the oil taken from here stays here and that is simply not true.
The oil companies will sell it to the best bidder and that is the point I was making that they are not in business to do what is best for the US but to do what is best for themselves.
So people complain that we should not have to depend on foreign oil. We should drill for more oil in our own lands and use that oil instead of buying it from foreign lands. However the truth is the oil that is taken from our own lands will be sold off to other foreign lands and we are still stuck buying the vast majority of our oil from other countries. So how is drilling more oil from our own country and selling it off to other countries helping us ween ourselves off of foreign oil? It doesn't but it sure is a nice way to try and get people on the side of the oil companies to drill more and open more areas in the US. get the oil companies to guarantee that all oil drilled within the US will stay in the USA and not sell it off to other countries and I would fine with it but how much you willing to bet they would go along with that idea...if you are a smart man you would not make the bet because you know you would lose that bet.
It is just sad the number of people out there that actually think that oil would stay in the USA and that the oil companies would not sell it off to other countries.
That is why I like the other options out there. You can not send off wind power, you can sent off solar power and you can not send off Nuclear power...I guess you could send off the natural gas so that would be something to consider.
However we need something that stays in the USA for the USA.