Jason Garrett is a stand-up guy - Mosley


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For my weekly ESPNDallas.com column, which is published each Thursday morning during football season, I took a look at Dallas Cowboys head coach Jason Garrett's use of the lectern during his first three days on the job. Garrett has delivered a strong message to his players and you can tell that he's been preparing for this gig for many years. And he may have taken a Toastmasters International class along the way.

Here's an excerpt from my ESPNDallas.com column, but I encourage you to read the whole thing at some point Thursday:

One of the first things Garrett did as head coach was move his daily news briefings up to 1:30 p.m. I get the sense that his schedule had been in place since he interviewed with the Ravens and Falcons following the '07 season.

"I had folks from both of those organizations at the time say that Garrett blew the doors off his interviews. In fact, one high-ranking member of the Ravens organization told me Garrett came off looking like a presidential candidate. I can't recall anyone saying that about Wade in the interview process."

I certainly think Garrett's circadian rhythms match up well with Sunday's 4:15 ET start against the New York Giants.



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There's no doubt in my mind that we have the right man for the job. JG will get this team straightened out and on the right track. He knows he has plenty of talent too, he just has to get the mentality and focus of the team in the right order. JG's gonna be here for a looooong time. I'm excited!!!


The Duke
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I continue to be amused about the reporters fascination with the podium.

All I know is, Jason Garrett is the guy for the job right now, and his team will determine a lot towards his long term viability. Anyone who thinks other teams are not poised to jump if Jerry doesn't commit to him long term are suffering from severe episodes of denial.

He already has media backing. Buckle up folks, Air Garrett is about to take off.