Twitter: Jason La Canfora offers out-the-box suggestion for Dak's new deal


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I'm not sure why Dallas is so insistent on a long term deal. The length of the deal means almost nothing, just the guaranteed money. If you sign a guy, especially a key player like QB, star WR, or pass-rusher, when his deal doesn't measure up with his value on the market, he comes asking for a raise, and most of the time, you have to give it to him.

Just sign him to a 4 year deal and be done with it.

The Cowboys want the longest term deal they can get for two reasons:
  1. Stability at the most important position in all of sports. If they're convinced Dak is their guy and a good investment from a health and character standpoint? I can see why they would want to lock in for as long as they can.
  2. Pay a little more now to save a whole lot later. Take a look at Tyron Smith's deal. It's a total bargain based on his ability and standing relative to his peers and where the market for left tackles is going.
Whether or not an individual agrees is up to them based on their own views of Dak. But if the Cowboys are as convinced as they say publicly that they're all in on Dak? The longer the deal, the better, especially one that gives the player security the first five years and the Club the options for the last five.


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Players are getting smarter and agents are getting more greedy than in the past.
The agents came out ok in the old system because the cap wasn’t soaring in those days and a 8 year deal paid them well
It’s a different time now with a soaring cap so agents and players see it’s not stopping anytime soon

Chuck 54

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Dallas is concerned for the same reason this board is concerned.

Shock value at the sticker price.
I get it, and they should get the best deal they can, but your QB is not having his salary compared to anyone else on the team. Even players know the pecking order, even if they are probowlers and he never is. 3-4 million should be haggled over, but 3-4 million per year is never going to cost you a championship or playoff run. If they wanted to haggle this hard over his salary, then they should have put a decent QB on the roster behind him. Haggling in the position they have created for themselves is getting a little silly because at this point, they are going to pay him; they cannot move on from him. They have no fall back plan....none.

Chuck 54

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Market value has nothing to do with what some fans consider "elite."
Exactly.....If you are more than a 1 year, stop gap starter while your team is still looking for the savior, then you get paid. If you are the starter the team follows and the QB the team considers the face of the franchise, a guy they aren't ready to sell their souls to replace, then you are a franchise QB....of your franchise. And that's a huge payday.


Intramural Legend
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I get it, and they should get the best deal they can, but your QB is not having his salary compared to anyone else on the team. Even players know the pecking order, even if they are probowlers and he never is. 3-4 million should be haggled over, but 3-4 million per year is never going to cost you a championship or playoff run. If they wanted to haggle this hard over his salary, then they should have put a decent QB on the roster behind him. Haggling in the position they have created for themselves is getting a little silly because at this point, they are going to pay him; they cannot move on from him. They have no fall back plan....none.
I guess I agree with all of that, but this was all true last year as well.

I think the haggling is partially just due diligence, as well. I will say though that,e ven if they probably don't like the sticker price, I don't think they feel any sense of the urgency that fans do. It's just due diligence to wait, is all.


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The 10-year, $300m contract was floated LAST offseason. Tanenbaum said 10x$40 in December.

It's just stupid for Dak to sign it, because he'd be underpaid after about year 3.
Nah, 10 years from now, he'd still be overpaid at 30M.


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I have an idea

They should pay Dak in standard US currency


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Pro Tip:

If you're this unsure on whether to pay your QB like he is elite or not then you probably shouldn't do it.
This thought is useful for many things in life. If i don't clarify people will take it literally. Whether its something you'd be better off doing or not doing, listen to that voice. If you don't have that voice its because you chose to make every bad decision.


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Dallas has a lot of space maybe a creative thing to do would to be to front load the money while the team isyoung so you can continue to build around the QB


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Dallas has a lot of space maybe a creative thing to do would to be to front load the money while the team isyoung so you can continue to build around the QB
I've thought about that too, but even though they have a lot of space now, if you resign Dak, Cooper, and Quinn that space isn't really all that much.

They could restructure a few, and sacrifice down the line, but you also have guys like Vander Esch, Gallop, etc who we will be having this same conversations with soon.


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Pro Tip:

If you're this unsure on whether to pay your QB like he is elite or not then you probably shouldn't do it.
Jerry Tip:

If you are that unsure about doing something, take the gamble and don't look back.


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Hmmm......offering to pay a player $30M+ seem pretty sure to me
Yeah because we don't have close to that much money but relative to those in the same profession the answer is no. That's why 30million seems that way to you because you'll most likely never see 2 million in your life let alone 30.


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That was a great deal for the team and much more common in the past
Players are getting smarter
Also Tyron's deal had a lot one-off things that made him sign. Mainly his money grubbing family of leeches. Jerry helped him deal with it and he signed a very team friendly deal then under protestations from the NFLPA


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You will never ever ever ever ever ever win on these long terms deals. If you are winning the player simply holds out. Contracts are not guaranteed either way. Therefore it stands to reason that short term deals are the way to go. Franchise tag when you can. Get players on 1 and 2 year deals whenever you can.


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It does not matter how any of us feel about this proposed deal. Dak is not going to agree to such a long deal so there is the deal-breaker. Move on.

Little Jr

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