News: Jay Glazer returns to duty after serious health scare


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Posted by Mike Florio on April 16, 2014, 2:00 PM EDT

“I went in for a routine back deal,” Glazer said. “Nothing big. Dissolving a piece of a disc that broke. Something that was real easy took a turn.”

After being given anesthesia, Glazer vomited into the face cradle. The stomach contents ended up in his lungs, and the acid burned the tissue.

Glazer started convulsing, and the doctors revived him. He was rushed to a local hospital, where he spent four days recovering from aspiration double pneumonia.

He has struggled for more than a month to get healthy. The damage to his lungs has caused Glazer to have good days followed by setbacks. He wanted to attend the league meetings in Orlando, but the flight would have required the use of an oxygen tank. Doctors also feared that his oxygen levels could plummet at altitude, and that he could have a heart attack.

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I remember this & I think he tweeted it was no big deal. Apparently it was.

Regardless wishing a complete recovery for him.
Poor dude, hope he gets that worked out (what kind've luck is that?) His tough nature would never let on to this, great @ what he does and wish him the best!
And the next time you’re trying to fight off a craving for chocolate, think of Glazer in his hospital gown, with his *** hanging out.
Glad he is doing better but really did not need that visual.
John McClain Houston sports writer once told me that if Jay Glazer is reporting something you can almost take it to the bank that it is true.
I wonder if he didnt follow the no eating 24 hours before deal? Im not really joking either, scary stuff

My wife just had anastesia and she was told no food or water after midnight. Her surgery was for 8:30 am.
My wife just had anastesia and she was told no food or water after midnight. Her surgery was for 8:30 am.

Wish your wife the best! Seriously, hope for the best for your family.
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That's horrible... Seems like he's a good guy.. Hope dude has a speedy recovery
Wish your wife the best! Seriously, hope for the best for your family.

Thanks. Everything went smoothly with the surgery and the results were good. It was her first time with anesthesia. She was like a zombie for several hours afterwards.
Thanks. Everything went smoothly with the surgery and the results were good. It was her first time with anesthesia. She was like a zombie for several hours afterwards.

Moms is same ways; people who don't get smacked aren't used to it kind've thing. Great news and wish your wife a healthy recovery.
Holy biscuits. I do not know really what I was expecting, but I know I wasnt expecting to read this.
I'm having a real hard time figuring out what you just said.

Oh, if you have never done drugs (good/positive/not condoning drug use by any means), they hit you harder. That was all. Some folks don't react to pain meds the same as others, etc. Anesthesia was the culprit here, but see it with meds for after the fact, etc.
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Talk about a nightmare scenario -- inhaling your own vomit into your lungs during surgery -- it's gross just to think about, much less be victimized by. Jay Glazer has always impressed me as a class act. Let's just hope he recovers fully from that tough setback.
Hope everything's good with Glazer, he is the best insider IMO.

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