I also have a theory that dez getting the big money other players can only dream about, and many felt
he doesnt deserve that or earn it , and this years events have made that worse.
So a guys making 500,000 to 3 mil a year are busting A and if they think dez isnt and he is making 12-13 mil
and with drops dehydrations etc, he is hurting the team, it could cause discord among players.
And then you have the dez mouth , I have no idea what he is saying, but some might not like it.
I also think many of the players felt Murray earned a big contract and got the shaft, and also that he
was important part of the team for a run this year, and the jones boys let the team down
by not keeping him, and if you look at those 2, many might think just hard work and effort doesnt pay
off, it did not with murray, but it did for dez who is not so rkg and hard working.
Murray is a example of a player doing all he could do , and having the good year, and 3 good ones prior,
and he was stiffed and low balled, so the other players will all see that , and think why kill yourself ?
just play for the check and stay healthy, if not here elsewhere. Forget the whole winning thing,
and add to that if they dont buy into JG's process t shirts , mannequins, and offense.
or marinelis defense.