Jerry bought a boat **merged**

Boats like that don't depreciate, so it's an investment as well as a toy.

Jerry ain't no dummy when it comes to money...
Guys, that ain't a boat. That's a mega yacht.

- It takes a crew of 20-30 just to take it for a spin.
- You can take a helicopter to it or you can take a boat to it, but you aren't walking off the dock to get on it unless it's just leaving after repairs or maintenance
I wonder what the operating costs of a month at sea would tally up to?,,, Man, that is one sleekly sweet looking craft:starspin:

*I'd read where John Wayne had bought a war surplus mine sweeper & it damn near sent him to the poor house in trying to keep it operationalo_O
I wonder if Jeryy's yacht has a way to separate, to become a speed boat, as in the Disco Volante in Thunderball??

I think Jerry should make plans to see the world and live on his boat for the next umpteen years. He can bring Stephen with him and leave a real football person in charge.
At least one of the news articles mentioned Jerry still having petroleum investments.

Oil And Gas, Pizza, football, and North Texas real estate investment comprise the known components of the Jones family assets. Any others come to mind?

Aside, boats make me sick, but pictures of boats are great.

Second aside, what criteria does one use to pick between a canoe and a kayak?
Second aside, what criteria does one use to pick between a canoe and a kayak?

canoes turn slower and generally don't tip as easy
but if they tip are harder to upright. They can handle
heavier loads as well.
Worthless trivia :

It's exactly the length of a football field and within an inch or so from being exactly 1/3 the width - or from the width between high school hash marks.

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