Jerry Jones: Cowboys coaches lobbied to keep Rolando McClain on the team

Dysfunction at the top. That pretty much describes the franchise right now. In terms of building this team, it's just a haphazard approach.
In Jerryworld with Jerryspeak ~ no front-office accountability & complete disarray in selective player discipline by the team.

An-all-too-familiar pattern with Jerry over the years:
If a player captures Jerry's attention and becomes one of "Jerry's" pet projects via the draft or free agency, that player overtime enjoys privileges.

The Head Coach influence & leadership on maintaining a structured, disciplined, and a player-proven performance locker room is completely undermined by GM/owner/president/PR director/Team Medical spokesperson Jerry Jones.

Head Coach is the leader of the team, and Jerry habitually publicly and privately sabotages the authority of the Head Coach.
With the suspension, his cap cost has gone way down. I would hold on to him just in case you need him down the stretch due to injuries. If week 11 gets here and he is out of football shape and you are set at LBer for the stretch, cut him. Seems an easy no brainier to me unless you need his cap dollars now to improve the team for the whole season. If not, wait it out and gauge the situation when he is eligible to come back. We just may be in a situation where we a extremely happy to get him back.

I don't care what the LB situation is. When McClain is reinstated on the Monday morning at 8:00 am, he should be cut at 8:01 am.

A stand needs to be taken at some point.
No matter what he said, people are entrenched in their positions when it comes to McClain. Had Jerry said it was his call, he would have been roasted for it, as has been speculated. Jerry comes out and says all the coaches were on board, he must be lying. If he says nothing at all, then folks would be frustrated on the lack of information coming out about the situation.
We already knew they wanted him back after last season. And, yes, we knew he had a suspension history at the time. This isn't saying anything new.

He's also acknowledging that showing up fat and late for minicamps on top of the suspension was an issue, as it should have been. And that there are cap implications that recommend keeping him on the roster. Strip out the awkward attempts at positioning here and there's nothing to see here.
I'm not buying it either we had a thread that said the coaches where mad he missed mini camp.

Thing is, that's not inconsistent with what Jerry is saying here.
This reads like a thread on an Eagles message board. It's popular and fun to bash Jerry, but he's always had a history of telling too much truth. From draft plans to FA, to contract negotiations. He definitely talks too much but I don't think he's an outright liar the majority of the time.

I'm not sure how he can simultaneously be the puppet master who's yes men do his bidding while simultaneously getting over-ridden on Manziel and Hardy. Weird
Jason I want McClain on the team how do you feel about it?

I don't know Jerry how should I feel about it?

You and all the coaches should be happy to have him on our team.

Jerry I know I can speak for all the coaches we desperately want him on the team. Please find us another scumbag to disrupt our team.

No matter what he said, people are entrenched in their positions when it comes to McClain. Had Jerry said it was his call, he would have been roasted for it, as has been speculated. Jerry comes out and says all the coaches were on board, he must be lying. If he says nothing at all, then folks would be frustrated on the lack of information coming out about the situation.

He should be roasted regardless of what he says.

If he indeed let the coaches decide on McClain staying, that's a problem. Jones runs the team, he's the owner, he's the GM. It's getting pretty clear that McClain is just not worth the effort anymore. Jones needs to show some leadership and make what should be a pretty easy decision at this point.

If he is lying and made the call himself to keep McClain, that's a failure as well and he deserves criticism.

I am not sure how anyone cannot see the clear dysfunction with this team. You think it's just bad luck this team has been a non-factor for 20 years? There's no clear vision coming from the man in charge. His plans on how to build a team are haphazard. He changes course on a whim. He's too loyal to people he shouldn't be loyal to.

People can talk about the team needing this player or that player or upgrade here or upgrade there. But the biggest thing holding this franchise back IMO is that there is no clear vision/plan coming from the Jones family. Until that changes, I suspect you are going to get 20 more years of non-SB football in Dallas.
This reads like a thread on an Eagles message board. It's popular and fun to bash Jerry, but he's always had a history of telling too much truth. From draft plans to FA, to contract negotiations. He definitely talks too much but I don't think he's an outright liar the majority of the time.

I'm not sure how he can simultaneously be the puppet master who's yes men do his bidding while simultaneously getting over-ridden on Manziel and Hardy. Weird

He's played with the truth a few times recently. When the season ended, he came out and said that backup QB was a priority. When it was clear they couldn't sign anyone to a number they liked, Jones comes out and say Moore was basically their solution at backup QB all along. That's BS.

At the draft, he insinuated that they didn't pull a trigger on a deal with Baltimore because they knew Baltimore wanted Elliott. Turns out Baltimore wanted Ramsey at 4. Jones kind of fibbed on that one as well.

So yeah, I am not sure I would trust Jones 100% of the time here.
This reads like a thread on an Eagles message board. It's popular and fun to bash Jerry, but he's always had a history of telling too much truth. From draft plans to FA, to contract negotiations. He definitely talks too much but I don't think he's an outright liar the majority of the time.

I'm not sure how he can simultaneously be the puppet master who's yes men do his bidding while simultaneously getting over-ridden on Manziel and Hardy. Weird

Ok I can agree with this well said
This line puzzles me, but it is classic Jerry Jones gibberish:

"Potentially recognized"?

Jerry speak can be hard thing to interpret sometimes, I took his comments as the coaches know Rolando has the potential for issues even before they had knowledge of the actual 10 game suspension but as we all know Jerry is often clear as mud!
The man's really wearing out his welcome with such a boneheaded suspension. It's frustrating because I believe a McClain who's in shape and making smart choices can help the team win. But he gets out of shape and he makes nincompoopial choices.
He should be roasted regardless of what he says.

If he indeed let the coaches decide on McClain staying, that's a problem. Jones runs the team, he's the owner, he's the GM. It's getting pretty clear that McClain is just not worth the effort anymore. Jones needs to show some leadership and make what should be a pretty easy decision at this point.

If he is lying and made the call himself to keep McClain, that's a failure as well and he deserves criticism.

I am not sure how anyone cannot see the clear dysfunction with this team. You think it's just bad luck this team has been a non-factor for 20 years? There's no clear vision coming from the man in charge. His plans on how to build a team are haphazard. He changes course on a whim. He's too loyal to people he shouldn't be loyal to.

People can talk about the team needing this player or that player or upgrade here or upgrade there. But the biggest thing holding this franchise back IMO is that there is no clear vision/plan coming from the Jones family. Until that changes, I suspect you are going to get 20 more years of non-SB football in Dallas.

What should be the plan? I get the recent defensive woes with some suspect drafts picks and Smokin Ro, but we've upgraded the Oline to the best in the leauge, have an elite QB/WR/RB combo and we are tying to upgrade the D. I mean, that seems like a plan to me.
That whole paragraph. He is really reaching for any justification for his continuous fandom of Rolando, after the fact.

I mean, it comes across as desperate.

Didn't see the last line the first time. They're keeping McClain because they don't want the "cap hit". Sounds like a good excuse to take the decision out of the coach's hands.

It's a little like what happened with Ratliff..

they resigned him to a deal..paid out a bonus and then he wanted out.

Jones tried to work things our with Ratliff but he never came back and the organization was faced with wiping egg off its face.

Same thing here..they signed McLain to another year..paid him money up front and
then the suspension.

It looks crazy and surely seems short-sighted now..but there is noting that is going to change it.

So why cut him?

Wait and see if Lee is still playing and see if Hitchens is ok.

If least you have McClain coming back after game 10 and we may really need him.

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