Jerry Jones is learning the hard way

Bob Sacamano

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Maikeru-sama;2393509 said:
And it was the same crowd that said that if it were not for Scott Pioli, Jerry Jones should be GM of the Year.

I think you guys are pointing the finger at the wrong person.

Jerry Jones has stacked this team with talent and given Wade Phillips everything he needs to be successful.

Hell, I know Jerry Jones played ball at Arkansas but it isn't like he can suit up and play for them.

Also, I gotta laugh at the completely asinine comment about Wade Phillips being a puppet and Jerry Jones trying to buy a Super Bowl, when Wade Phillips was clearly brought here to fix the Defense and there was nobody else out there (unless you were a Norv guy) and alot of the players on our roster were drafted by us.

I would love to see what Bill B, Jeff Fisher and many other more compotent head coaches could do with this team, even with the injuries.

same here


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Wade has failed as both a head coach and a defensive guru, but the parts that he has to work with have zero heart, zero brains and zero work ethic...some of these guys quit on Campo, most of these guys quit on Parcells and I am sure unless some miracle occurs and they get some backbone and some heart, they will quit on Wade...Jerry's biggest problem is that his return on investment in paying most of these guys is a big fat ZERO. I feel bad for Jerry, as he has tried to do the right thing, it is the players that need to be replaced.....


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Maikeru-sama;2393509 said:
I would love to see what Bill B, Jeff Fisher and many other more compotent head coaches could do with this team, even with the injuries.

You think they would put up with Jerry's meddling?