Jerry Jones: "Parcells' best year was with Campo's players...

Gangsta Spanksta

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:rolleyes: Even if true, it means nothing. Parcells main problem was play calling, not building the team. We would have had a much better season last year, if the play calling would have been better. Parcells makes a good GM, IMO, but a bad head coach because of his on the field decisions. just my 2 cents.


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The funny thing about the 03 season is that EVERYTHING went Dallas' way (how many times did we play teams that season when they had to start their backup QB?) and the best they could muster was a 10-6 wild card berth and an early exit from the playoffs.


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theebs;1834404 said:
wow an ethnic slur...awesome

I have a feeling that comment will be sleeping with the fishes soon.

i dont get it...



Still waiting...
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DC5488;1834388 said:
purcell was working for the Giants. There is no other way to explain the horrors he inflicted on our team. it will take us years to recover from the damage this goombah did.

As evidenced by the Cowboys' current season....


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Gordon;1834361 said:
Ha, I thought about changing it after he left, but it's just too awesome. I chuckle everytime I post.

I had a Henson skunk one that everyone hated. It was because Parcells would say, "if it looks like a skunk, and it smells like a skunk, well, it's probably a skunk". I of course knew what he was talking about.

I've always favored Romo because I saw something in him that caught my eye. I didn't think he'd become an elite this fast, tho. He's crushing records left and right.

My current sig is sort of a bit of irony. Everyone would make fun of the word "moxie" and question its meaning in as if the term were applied hideously.

Look who's laughing now. It's Romo--in the huddle.

Gangsta Spanksta

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outthedoorbill;1834620 said:
As evidenced by the Cowboys' current season....

As evidence as in some of the advice he gave Romo, after that game.
As evidence that he hung around Valley Ranch after he Retired.
The guy liked being on this team, that was just the kind of loss that really hurts, and those that don't understand that, don't understand the game, IMO.


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he loaded the team with talent, but he can't coach for jack = not a very good coach. this is why i don't understand it when people say "wade is using the players parcells brought in, he cant coach" when parcells is the one that couldn't win with those players he brought in. meanwhile wade is dominating with those same players. could that have something to do with coaching?(most likely the praise belongs to garret, but still).

jay cee

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Gordon;1834361 said:
Ha, I thought about changing it after he left, but it's just too awesome. I chuckle everytime I post.
:D It is awesome. I chuckle everytime you post also.


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Parcells did a great job assembling most of this team but he isn't the reason we are 12-1. Sorry but his harsh demeanor, insistence upon starting over-the-hill vets that were loyal to him and conservative playcalling held this team back. I still think he is a great coach the same way I think Marty Schottenheimer is a great coach. Parcells could take Arizona to the playoffs but he will never be able to win a Superbowl. I no longer think of Parcells as a genius. The Bill Bellichek theory was proven to be true and the record reflects that. Parcells best years were with Bellichek and his defense was never as dominant when he didn't have Bellichek. Bellichek made Parcells and he will likely win another championship or two which make him arguably the greatest NFL coach of all time.

Jerry Jones deserves a lot of credit. He single handedly picked Jason Garrett to be the OC when many thought he was too inexperienced to be given such a big responsibility. He kept hired TO and signed guys like Leonard Davis in the offseason. He also threw everyone like myself a red herring and signed Wade Phillips who many thought was just a veteran coach who had been working the circuit and didn't deserve another head coaching job.

I think there are a lot of Parcells worshippers on this site that are still loyal to him and want to give him credit whenever they can. Nonetheless, I don't think anyone truly believes we would have this success with Parcells as the head coach still.

jay cee

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mr.jameswoods;1834710 said:
Parcells did a great job assembling most of this team but he isn't the reason we are 12-1. Sorry but his harsh demeanor, insistence upon starting over-the-hill vets that were loyal to him and conservative playcalling held this team back. Jerry Jones deserves a lot of credit. He single handedly picked Jason Garrett to be the OC when many thought he was too inexperienced to be given such a big responsibility. He kept hired TO and signed guys like Leonard Davis in the offseason. He also threw everyone like myself a red herring and signed Wade Phillips who many thought was just a veteran coach who had been working the circuit and didn't deserve another head coaching job.

I think there are a lot of Parcells worshippers on this site that are still loyal to him and want to give him credit whenever they can. Nonetheless, I don't think anyone truly believes we would have this success with Parcells as the head coach still.

I don't think they would be as successful with Parcells as the head coach. I am certain they would not be as fun to watch.


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His first year, he did more evaluating than anything and let his coordinators run there respective shows mostly. He was evaluating and motivating the team. The longer he was here the more he started running the show his way and controlled every aspect. Everyone likes to blame Zimmer for our defense but the last year Bill let him coach (2003) we had the #1 defense in the league. Bill basically ended up becoming the defensive co, offensive co, and special teams co. He made almost every decision.


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We played a very weak schedule in 2003. BP did a great job of motivating the players and using discipline to shake up what was a VERY undisciplined team.
Remember during the giants Monday night game-= afterwards the players were all talking about the drills that BP had had them do during training camp and how several of them had come in real handy that night.
The problem was that BP did not have the coaches he knew and trusted- unlike all his other stops. He could never trust them the way he did his former staff; and that showed. Do you really think that he would have kept Zimmer if he had had any alternative? By the time he left the staff was decent; but losing Payton was a tough loss.


the older I get the better I was
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theebs;1834369 said:
Just like I thought. He said it like if you look at it "Bill had his best year here his first year" then said that is a BS way too look at it and said now the players here have evolved.

Meaning, he had 10 wins the first year, doesnt mean it was his best year. Pretty safe to say the 06 team would be the 03 team up and down the field.

unless they played in december, in which case both teams would somehow
find a way to lose the game !!!!


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mr.jameswoods;1834710 said:
Parcells did a great job assembling most of this team but he isn't the only reason we are 12-1. Sorry but his harsh demeanor, insistence upon starting over-the-hill vets that were loyal to him and conservative playcalling held this team back. I still think he is a great coach the same way I think Marty Schottenheimer is a great coach.

Here's the problem with your theory relative to the "Parcell's worshippers": Had you left your statement above as is but added "only" where I did, you might not get too many people who would disagree. But that's not enough for people who feel that the only way to prop up Jerry, or Wade or anyone else is by knocking on BP.

mr.jameswoods;1834710 said:
The Bill Bellichek theory was proven to be true and the record reflects that. Parcells best years were with Bellichek and his defense was never as dominant when he didn't have Bellichek. Bellichek made Parcells and he will likely win another championship or two which make him arguably the greatest NFL coach of all time.

Contradiction can be a beautiful thing in a world of denial. I can go back and say the Jimmy Johnson theory has been proven correct with regards to Jerry and use your same argument but people like you would blow up in your defense of him. But it's OK to use the BP / Bellicheat line. That's old and worn out. Bellicheat failed miserably in Cleavland. So miserably in fact that he didn't even sniff another HC job and went back to BP. Who made who? BP then paved the way for Bellichek to take the Jets HC job after Parcell's left; say what you want, but BP was loyal to him to the end. Bellickek took the NE job and was one 6th round pick HOF QB away from mediocrity. BP won SB's with Phil Simms, who was nearly perfect in the SB, and Hostetler, a back-up QB. He then won with a converted safety (Ray Lucas), a drug addict QB in Quincy and an undrafted FA in Romo. See a pattern here? Probably not since your blinders aren't limitted to the side of your eyes. BP built teams and restored franchises wherever he's gone. Bellicheat did/does not and failed in Cleavland and is suceeding with Brady, arguably one of the greatest QB's of our generation.

mr.jameswoods;1834710 said:
Jerry Jones deserves a lot of credit. He single handedly picked Jason Garrett to be the OC when many thought he was too inexperienced to be given such a big responsibility. He kept hired TO and signed guys like Leonard Davis in the offseason. He also threw everyone like myself a red herring and signed Wade Phillips who many thought was just a veteran coach who had been working the circuit and didn't deserve another head coaching job.

Of course Jerry deserves allot of credit, guys like you need to consistantly point that out and remind people. But let me ask you this. If Romo is not here, are we 12 and 1? If we bring in Wade, JG, TO, Davis and Hamlin does it even remotely have the same impact without a Pro-Bowl QB? Does JG have the same impact if he was the OC in Miami with Cleo Lemmon as his QB?

mr.jameswoods;1834710 said:
I think there are a lot of Parcells worshippers on this site that are still loyal to him and want to give him credit whenever they can. Nonetheless, I don't think anyone truly believes we would have this success with Parcells as the head coach still.

Change your quote to read the following: "I think there are a lot of Jerry/Wade worshippers on this site that are still loyal to him and want to give him credit whenever they can. Nonetheless, I don't think anyone truly believes we would have this success with Jerry as GM had Parcells not been hired as HC."

See what I mean....probably not. But if you agree that Bellicheat made BP, then do you agree in the converse that Jimmy Johnson made Jerry? That Romo is making JG and Wade? Hell no, that's taboo in your world. Jerry hired BP, just like BP hired Bellichek. But in your world, the subordinate made the boss, unless, of course, the boss is Jerry, then he gets the credit.