Hey, congrats to the Rams on their championship. I wanted to go see their camp because they are the reigning champs, and a great run team. That doesn't mean they are beyond criticism though, and their camp needs a lot of improvement to give a nice fan experience. It wasn't just the overcrowding, the whole entire experience with the long lines, lack of bathrooms, concessions and everything else needs improvement, and the fans there were voicing as much. By the way, you didn't see me post anything negative about the fans there. They were extremely friendly, and I think they deserve a better camp experience next season when they take their families there. I'm not pissing on Rams fans or the Rams team themselves, but saying the people who run their camp have learning to do to make the fan experience better. Jerry sure as hell deserves most the criticism he gets, but he does run a fan friendly cam. Why is this so controversial to you?