Short--- so vital to have a great HC....Jerry says he wants people who want to be here..well Andy Reid makes 20 million a year and fat mike makes 4....Jerry has turned into his son's
Cap Boy with more of a cheapskate attitude....Jerry has said uh uh uh we got around 20 million dead money so we cant get good free agents....Sheagles have 60 million dead money
and know how to push it back and reload again...conider the Cap will increase a lot next few years...there are easy ways to manipulate the this age we have to pay bucks
for good to great free agents and make good picks....but to only rely on making some good picks and growing them better is not good enough want your HC to like
being here then pay them and it does not count against the Cap....its all Jerry not able to give up power is why cowboys will always be who we are