Jerry on CeeDee - I'm only talking about who is here

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The rebuilding has likely already started. We started with our OLine. Next years draft is loaded at RB. Both a good OLine and a good RB are needed for a young QB and a SB run.

Let Dak walk. Trade CD. Give Trance a year to prove himself for ***** and giggles. We most likely end up with a top 10 pick if not higher.

Resign Parsons. The money saved from CD resign T. Smith and Bland if he has recovered.

Continue invest in the middle of the defense. Defense wins Championships.

SB contending teams have a good OLine and can run the ball. They can also stop then run and keep the score down in the 20 point range.
The first thing you have posted that make sense, also it is 100% accurate.
Ceedee is playing this wrong. 33 m per turned down, the money he makes this year and the money he makes on franchise tag PLUS the fines. He will be chasing that lost revenue the rest of his career. I like CD but he isn't better than Jefferson and it seems like Jerry is angry. 33 million is fair CD.
Nah. If Lamb doesn't sign by week one, Jerry isn't caving to him. Emmitt had already proved we needed him to win a Super Bowl by his holdout. Ceedee hasn't proven jack. It's important to have your #1 WR, obviously, but let him go ahead and lose millions.
Give it two weeks of seeing Dak without CD out there and CD will be the highest paid WR in the league by Monday morning of the start of week 3.
The rebuilding has likely already started. We started with our OLine. Next years draft is loaded at RB. Both a good OLine and a good RB are needed for a young QB and a SB run.

Let Dak walk. Trade CD. Give Trance a year to prove himself for ***** and giggles. We most likely end up with a top 10 pick if not higher.

Resign Parsons. The money saved from CD resign T. Smith and Bland if he has recovered.

Continue invest in the middle of the defense. Defense wins Championships.

SB contending teams have a good OLine and can run the ball. They can also stop then run and keep the score down in the 20 point range.
This would actually be a good plan, and well thought out. You might be giving them too much credit. I kind of expect both guys to be paid in the next couple days. I like the thought process though.
Trade him. As great of a year as he had. All I remember is the deer in the headlights look from Ceedee in the playoffs. Make an example of him. If all you care about is money, go elsewhere.
I honestly thought something would be done by now, but they still have a little more than a week and a half. Would Ceedee really holdout into the NFL season and forefeit more than what he's made over his career and the 33 million per year the Cowboys are offering on the contract?

At this point if you're the Cowboys do you just say hey we're setting a deadline of 9/6, if we haven't come to an agreement by then you can play on the 5th year contract of 17 million or holdout and not get anything. Next year we'll franchise you and try again or trade you. How much do you really love football?
For the moment, he wised up after the outcome of his urgent comment. It won't last, but it's nice to see him show a little restraint for once.
he's 100% correct guys like Brandon Ayuk and Chase i you at least showed up with their teams traveled to PS games etc CD goes and plays delete my SM and starts with the dark posts etc pouted in last years game after 3 drops.. turns down a 33M offer and is under contract, Jerry right THIS TIME. Regardless of what happened up to this point,

if CD wants to get on a plane and have his agent meet him at the Star and ramp this up go get it done, if not , like jerry said his focus is on the team here and the cut down has commenced., I believe Wednesday when the roster is settling and a spot for lamb is created , things can heat back up. they will be back at the star and can turn their attention to these things..

IMHO Lambs running out of leverage those fines are huge and then 1mil per game about to start, 2mil a part, Jerry knows holding out real games will be money never made back. Its about to add up exponentially....
I honestly thought something would be done by now, but they still have a little more than a week and a half. Would Ceedee really holdout into the NFL season and forefeit more than what he's made over his career and the 33 million per year the Cowboys are offering on the contract?

At this point if you're the Cowboys do you just say hey we're setting a deadline of 9/6, if we haven't come to an agreement by then you can play on the 5th year contract of 17 million or holdout and not get anything. Next year we'll franchise you and try again or trade you. How much do you really love football?
Not me I always thought it would be after they got back from camp and back in Dallas , after cut downs, something will happen by Friday.. But when you say you thought something would happen by now 33 million was turned down, that's ON lamb... owner offered a huge offer. Not likea low ball team friendly deal 2nd highest paid WR and NON qb in the league money..this is ON LAMB IMHO hes about to run out of leverage
Lmao, people really think an old man is gonna rebuild. No way Jerry restarts, he's proven he will do it his way.
Something tells me if the week 1 game does not go the way we hope, he will be very quickly talking about Lamb.
No need to sign Lamb, because Dak is carrying us to the tune of 60 million per year...
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